Recently I conducted an experiment.
I took a 25m tall tower and two bombs.
A boom 50 and a boom 25.
I found out that on average, the Boom 25 takes 1.70 seconds to hit the ground.
The boom 50 on average takes almost two seconds. 1.96, 1.98, then once 2.04 seconds.
I also found out that the Boom 50 is double the explosion of a Boom 25.
One Boom 25 has a 0.8 explosion scale.
One Boom 50 has a 1.6 explosion scale.
So, if you've ever wondered why they're called Boom 25 and Boom 50, thats why.
You're welcome for this basically useless knowledge.
For every letter in this post, one blade of grass went unfondled.
You are a hero to the grass world ;)
(But if this is the case... weird. Wonder why?)
Out now from Jundroo is SimpleExplosives a game where you can build and detonate bombs then if you like the bombs enough you can buy the real life parts to build them irl from our store!!!!!!
also we are not liable if the fbi starts investigating you
Number crunching moments
Where did Jundroo get it’s weapons…
The Boom 50 looks like an American MK82 General Purpose Bomb, and the Boom 25 looks like an m54 AN-M57 with the tail from a Soviet Fab 250 series
they explode
@U2 i made gunpowder with fertilizer, and charcoal. im not going to tell you any more
boom25*2 = boom50🥸
@ColonelCanada Did you try dropping them both next to each other?
@jamesPLANESii SimpleGravity
They had a 30 millisecond difference, it confused me too.
And yes they were at 0% detach force.
Why did they take a different ammount of time to hit the ground? Did you check your detaches were both set to 0% detach force? It shouldn't be possible for them to reach the ground at completely different times...
Fascinating. The name and explosion scale is obvious, 0.8 = 250, meaning 1 explosion scale = 312.8 pounds on average, or 142 kilograms
Also, that makes no sense! Based on the laws of physics, all objects move the same speed falling unless there is drag involved. Assuming only gravity exists in a simulation, you could drop a million pound brick, a Boom 25, a missile, and a gun, and they should all hit the ground at the same time
-9.8 m/s^2 acceleration down is constant for everything
This experiment proves that physics in SimplePlanes is dead
Fertilizer is highly explosive never mess with fertilizer too much
@32 in addition, bombs explode when they hit the ground or any kind of surface with enough force
In addition, boom 25 weighs 250 pounds, and boom 50 weighs 500. This is probably fairly obvious, considering that its in the part description.