Now, different aircraft and do different things so let's get that sorted out (1rst strategy)propeller taker: so if you have a small-mediun sized aircraft (10-100 feet long with a max wingspan of 150 feet) I would suggest destroying the propellers with your wing (for propeller aircraft I would recommend this as hitting the tankers prop with you nose no matter what config of the props or how many it's still gonna destroy a prop) and if you have a jet use your nose to destroy the prop, it can fly with 1 prop on each wing so I recommend destroying both props on the same wing to make it spin out. Number2(wwe take down): for this I recommend a aircraft bigger then 100 feet with a good amount of power and then go to one of the tankers wings and get lodged in-between the tail fin and wing, then pull up, the tanker will spin out of control and you should be able to recover without very much difficulties number2(jumbo jet): for this I recommend a jet bigger then 200 feet like a 747 or a-380 and there's 2 ways, the first is to get your nose under the tankers wing and pitch up, you far superior power,weight and size should allow you to flip the tanker to the side or upsidedown while destroying a engine or 2,preventing amy recovery, the second way is to nudge your nose under the tail fin and pull up, causing the tanker to pitch down uncontrollably and spin out, that's all folks have a nice time destroying tankers
@SovietShipsGuy i mean, maybe?
Does wing tipping work?
@TheCommentaryGuy hm true
@Planebuilder2123 then set your fuselage health to
Just crash into it.
@CL125 that's pretty much a strategy I said
@TheCommentaryGuy @CL125 I ment without damaging your aircraft
Just ram it with a normal plane
Better solution: 100% detachers with Glass ammo
Use droplet, activate ag 1 and 2 for funny
@HuskyDynamics01 I should've done that
If you're good at keeping your aircraft stable, you can also fly under the wing of the tanker and hit a propeller with your vertical stabilizer.