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A Guide to: Yourlocalhuman's War Challenge: Countering the insurgency

71.0k Yourlocalhuman  1.9 years ago

Well well well... Hello there! Need assistance for the new challenge of mine which seems confusing because of new mechanics? Yeah i'd like to guide you to some of tips to help you manage your attacks, being git gud in beating insurgents, how to fly your crafts in a mission and how not to lose them (easily) in this seems like a enternity deserted place of mine.

Ok, lets start of with MAPS

As you can see down there, there is a map.

It is used to track where your army is going, where your enemy is going, what's on the battlefield, and how many places you've been conquering on

Each map has its own unique obstacles, but we'll start with just simple bridges and rivers here, these obstacles will affect the movements of your troops and how they would fight on it

Troops, tanks and basic IFV's Would not be able to pass rivers, they instead should go moving through bridges which cost time and range, Air units, Naval units, Amphibious IFV's Specialized troops however isnt affected by those

Do you see the marking on each sectors? There is a pic of Mountain, Building, and Desert with cactus, these are a picturization of what the battlefield looks like

Mountains, meant that area on that sector is filled with hills, mountainous areas, in this area all of your units (Except Air units) will be affected, they will gain less speed, less mobility, these areas are a nightmare to slow moving vehicles like tanks and IFV's, try to avoid this kind of place when you are going to do a mechanized assault

The Building, meant it was a Urban area (Area filled with Buildings and houses) these areas will gain your vehicles less speed, mobility and the freedom to move, but gives bonus to your infantries as there are many hiding spots for them to sit on, so try to avoid doing a mechanized assault on this kind of place, but it is recomended to do infantry assault on these kind of places

The ones with Desert and Cactus areas, are named Open areas, here's Absolutely almost no obstacles present, so all units are free to move, these kind of places are a heaven to all vehicles, since zero hiding spots give infantries absolutely no advantage (except if being companied with armors) as it is easy to see anything in open areas, Vehicles gain more mobility and speed bonus here, Avoid doing a infantry assault in these kind of areas, but it is recommended to do mechanized assault on these areas

Lets move into the second section, UNITS

Units are shown as the 🗡? Symbol, you can move them into certain areas by asking me to do it, units require time to move on, if equipped with vehicles they can move faster.

While, enemy units are shown as the ?? Symbol, they will keep moving and sit into certain places, their mission was to conquer the entire land mass and keep us out here.

When enemy and our units are present into same, they will automatically fight each other, when a fight occurs, the symbols turn into ?? (Combat) Symbol, when our forces are defeated, they will auto surrender to nearby sectors, when enemies are defeated, they will surrender to nearby sectors, if there are no more sectors for them to flee, they will perish

Units can be trained, you can do it by selecting certain sectors to be used as training camp, after doing it, the chosen sectors became your other objective in this challenge: Defend the training sector, the Training sector is also your HQ, so if it falls into enemy hands, you'd lose the control over the region and fail, numbers of units that can be trained is limited, so use all resources wisely, training camp is marked as 🛡? logo

Enemies also had their own training camp, named Insurgent camps, this is where they train new insurgency units, destroy this camp if you found them, they were marked as the tent Logo, you can found them if a aerial surveilance scans certain area or if infantry units seized the certain zones.

If certain units had placed in a certain area, the place will automatically be captured, this is your mission, **Capture All areas and prevent any falling into enemy hands

Sub Chapter: Units morale

Units Have a Morale Effect, this is affected by how they would fight, and their conditions, this would affect the Win/Loss effect of an certain infantries

The infantries would get their morale low if:

  • They did not get help in certain areas while fighting

  • They Receive Poor equipment, or has zero Support

  • They move alone without Any armor or supports available

  • They were kept getting forced into the same engagements over and over, what i meant by is that they were unable to get rest

  • The same zone, Or a big Zone was taken by enemy, Having Same zones taken over and over would let them think that their engagements are useless

  • A zone had fell into enemy territories

  • If They were told to retreat, chances of them having instant low morale is medium

These situations are dangerous as the enemies can take over advantage on your infantries

But Soilders will receive high morale if:

  • Able and suceeded to capture a Zone

  • It walks around the entire forces (They had supports behind them, example that they had armor support, artilerry and helicopters)

  • They advance more into enemy territories

  • The enemies receive heavy casaulties compared to the allies

  • The enemies are put under pressure (Kept getting forced to retreat)

  • They own and be equipped the Highest Gear our arsenal could afford and use, They will get confident with these gears on them

Sub Chapter 2: Units Cost

Units require cost to be trained and be equipped, these require Tactical Points to be used, you can gain these tactical points if you could be able to capture a zone

Tactical points are also used to afford ammunition to be sent to frontline soilders, Units Require constant amount of Supplies so they could fight longer and better

Third section, Logistic and Tactics

You can assign a tactic of how your units will fight, whenever it uses infantry only, Combined Arms, Armor only

Each Tactic assignment has its own advantages and disatvantages:

Infantry only: Cheap Cost, Easy Logistic, Fast and mobile, But they were weak in terms of firepower

Armor Only: Strong, Able to seize small zones quick and is a total king on areas with small to none obstacles, but is very prone to ATGM carrying Insurgents, is vunerable in mountainous and urban areas and is hard in terms of logistics and price

Combined Arms: Combines Both Infantry and armor, Strong and Mobile, they can decimate big areas easily and is very suitable in any places and condition, but is very expensive, hard in logistics, and is not easy to coordinate

Sub Chapter: Logistics

Logistics are required to keep infantries able to fight and capture areas, they consume tactical points to be used, they will be transported through the whole region to the allies, this is the thing you'd need to eye on, No logistics: No victories

Logistics marked as the 🚚 Logo, they set their own route, but if you want to set own routes, you can by asking me to do it

Command structure

You know what, good troops require good commander, and a good commander needs to be picked from the best people out there

The command centre is divided up by few people and ranks, that is:

  • Lead Commander: the ones who commands troops over the land, this is the highest command a guy can receive, as it could order troops where to go, and money where to spend

  • Vice Commander: Basically a backup commander, where if the Lead commander is inactive and there needs a emergency response, Vice commander can take a lead

  • Field Regiments: They were the ones who controlling the field weapon systems, Artilerry, helis and stuff, basically the ones who got the hands of all vehicles, they can order any vehicles to be used on, all under the Lead/Vice commander's Order

  • Radio Operators: They were the ones who reponsible for sending information to field troops, despite being lower in ranks they were that important because the need for information to be sent on battlefield, example if an area will be heavily bombed Commanders will give the message for troops to surrender awhile, the message will be sent to radio operators and be fowarded to field troops, if the radio ops is inactive, good luck then

Commanding troops

To order units moving, can be done by asking me where your units will go.

The format to order troops go can be done like this:
(Grid name/Units used/Type of assault/Number of units)

Remember that you can only order troops to move only 10 per day, if you have still few moves on and the move is refreshed it wont stack

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    @Yourlocalhuman ok, thanks!

    1.9 years ago
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    @SPAircraftOfficial year will be put in 1990, well, our nation is obiviously wright, and since artilleries are recomennded to be mobile, maybe no

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    3 questions:
    1. Which year will this be in?
    2. Which nation are we?
    3. Is it possible to establish a mountain base and put artillery in it? I was thinking MLRS or normal artillery

    1.9 years ago
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    Finally, a good excuse to make infantry in a plane game.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @Dracul0Anderson well stealth is always good to have

    1.9 years ago
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    uh, NO, just nukes. Here is a nice example of a non sixth gen that carries nukes.

    1.9 years ago
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    @Yourlocalhuman ok

    1.9 years ago
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    @SPAircraftOfficial they will be count as combined arms

    1.9 years ago
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    Quick question:
    Does a group of IFVs with infantry in them count as a tank, infantry, combined arms or will it have it's own category?

    1.9 years ago
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    24.0k lewishasnoiq

    @Yourlocalhuman it's for peace keeping don't worry

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @lewishasnoiq dude we're just fighting some dudes with AK and sandals dont get too much bruhh 💀

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    24.0k lewishasnoiq

    @Dracul0Anderson still too conventional, I propose a large orbital rail gun or plasma beam that can annihilate an entire archipelago

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @Dracul0Anderson 6th gen aircraft carrying nukes?

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    You call that, overkill? No, no, no, that's still conventional warfare. One word: Nukes.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @Dracul0Anderson yes.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    This could theoretically be helpful in the creation of other war challenges, made by others. 🤔

    1.9 years ago
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    Imagine a 6th generation stealth fighter countering insurgency,
    I love overkill.

    1.9 years ago
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    1.9 years ago
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    Tag me too

    1.9 years ago
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    @Dragoranos kinda

    1.9 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    Tag me when released

    It will be something like gulf war?

    +1 1.9 years ago