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Stealth, me ranting about how to stealth, what to stealth, where to stealth, and how you are building stealth wrong

27.9k Hiimakeplanes  1.9 years ago


I will be talking about stealth planes in simple planes
Stealth planes in this game either is just not stealth but look stealth or strait up can not have missiles of any sort because of obscured vision thingy, now I do not know how to bypass it at all, I would love to know how to bypass it, I need to know how to bypass it.
Missiles on planes you can’t even see, like actually because this game tracks where the flight computer is to lock to something and if your flight computer is just in a not mobile box somewhere that has bad vision, you will not be able to lock onto anything.
One way to solve this is to literally skyrocket your flight computer into the sky by using a gyro stabilizer and a engine pointing strait up, but god dam that fuel drains fast… and when you are in a tunnel somewhere if there is a tunnel anywhere no matter where your flight computer is you can’t lock on to the enemy aircraft anywhere unless you are where it is.
So what’s the other way to make stealth?… OH GOD NO
I hate this the most (not really I’m just bad at making them)
I actually hate building cockpits so much that you will find me making planes without cockpits every single time because they are just so annoying to build I don’t even bother.
Don’t know what your opinion on cockpits are but personally I don’t like building them at all because I just end up having to mess with the landing gear over and over and over and over again just to find out 2 seconds after I uploaded something that I forgot to add a random piece of button that I did not know that I had to add because I though it was already there, this had turned to ranting about stealth to ranting about cockpits, how did we get here?
Now back to stealth, it’s pretty useful until your opponents starts to build their own stealth plane and this whole entire challenge just turns into a gigantic stealth fest with no side able to actually see where the enemy is, not even lock on to them… guns are the only useful but oh hey mister artificial intelligence, where do you tack what to hit? Oh right.. Flight Computers, AI literally does not want to work when both sides are stealth planes, literally not possible.
And because I just proceeded to forget that homework is a thing I need to do that now ok bye I wasted like 1 minute of your life and why are you reading this and who actually reads all of this
Here, I solved your issue for you because I leak top secret military documents hahahahahahahahha, war thunder, I know it’s very unfunny but whatever
Also I’m not telling you how to connect the flight computer to the plane because you will figure it out anyways