So im gonna make a RUSH E or Rick roll in simpleplanes but only using ingame sound efffects and 1 activation group, and i use detacher because it can be delayed. Is there any other sound maker part that can be changed the volume?
i know there is an xml thing called 'launchVolume' for cannon. But does it work on detacher? Is theres a way to make detacher quiter or louder? Or any other sound maker part that can be delayed?
How to Change the volume of detacher?
16.3k MinutesTanker
1.8 years ago
@Mastereldo just Cyk and Qphse-iy or add cannons like Bembt and explosions like W-Krvemcыжej or use the most common sound... Brbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrrrrt
Wait i have an idea. Why not just use a falling block hitting the ground sound effects and combined with detacher. Now i have 2 notes @XtarsAgency
@Mastereldo, well, just make detachers detach detachers what could go wrong
@XtarsAgency yes i tried that but that means i have to make 1-3 or more.. detacher for 1 note and... rush e have like 500++ note thats means it will be 3000 part build because detacher wont make sound if it doesnt launch anything.
Just make a few detachers activate at the same time, more detachers detach at the same time=more louder
Detacher volume (100) x 70 x Hardware volume (i.e40)=2800 Volume