Does anyone know how to store data like TargetDistance or TargetHeading? I'm interested because I'm trying to work out a targets velocity but to do so I need to store a target distance from the previous time constant
Does anyone know how to store data like TargetDistance or TargetHeading? I'm interested because I'm trying to work out a targets velocity but to do so I need to store a target distance from the previous time constant
@hpgbproductions thank you
I have this method that doesn't need storing data
Target XYZ world coordinates
Longitude + TargetDistance * sin(TargetHeading)
Altitude + TargetDistance * sin(TargetElevation)
Latitude + TargetDistance * cos(TargetHeading)
Target GS (use above FT without the player coordinates components)
sqrt(pow(rate(TargetX),2) + pow(rate(TargetY),2) + pow(rate(TargetZ),2))
Also "storing data" is not descriptive enough to get FT help