Remember that stupidly long ass forum I made like yesterday about my pc dying? You don't? I don't blame you. Anyway it's actually fine. It's watercooled. That's no longer working. Don't believe me? the CPU reached over 100° C
Anyway, RAF1. I know this isn't tech support I'm not dumb. So uh. the hard drive is fine. I still have my shet. Once the cooling issue is solved I'll begin spitting things out. Maybe. Don't know lol.
(don't upvote this plz if you don't care just.. read something that's actually worth your time)
@FlirBlitz perchance
@Graingy maybe? idk
@FlirBlitz but how does the cooling fan contribute to the gluing process?
Unless it was bad(?) English, and meant glue to the cooling fan.
@Graingy glue for electronics I guess
@XtarsAgency oh wow now I'm even more confused what
@XtarsAgency I have genuinely no idea what a thermal paste is
@Graingy you could use cream cheese but considering that chesse cost less than a thermal paste mixed with diamond powder, I assume its a small price to pay for a major convinience
@XtarsAgency cream cheese-cooled PC when?
@FlirBlitz maybe you should change your thermal paste
@XtarsAgency so I turned it on again and the temperature was completely fine... my pc just had a stroke maybe?
Good lah.
My phone reached 87C° when opening JNO with a 157 ton craf, overclock it to 2GB max whatever da hell the phone said. Almost melt my casing, burns my hand, became a source of heat for my bread by Putting it below the bread, exploded the battery, and scarring a burn mark on the wall with crisps of lithium
Dont Woori everybody has done the same
@Kittyhawk208 That depends on how quickly you press the AZ-5 button...
Uh what's the life span of a water cooler? Asking for a friend
@32 lol
@FlirBlitz no but your pc is liquid cooled so you can probably afford 1 or 2...
@32 You got $50,000,000,000,000?
Line up 10 Dyson fans in front of it.
You'll make that sucker so cool, it flies to Australia under its own power.