I’ve noticed throughout my relatively short building career the the interior cockpit attitude indicator seems to be wrong. It would seem that the interior “ball” moves and is correct, except that there’s no “marker”, if you will, to indicate your exact heading. This makes it especially difficult in VR to determine your attitude and having to use the vertical speed gauge can by really annoying, particularly when the builder doesn’t have one or it’s not clearly visible. On every system (except VR), the indicator at the bottom of your screen has a steady marker. I feel this should be fixed as it is quite an annoyance, and that it would make flying a lot easier.
just get a label and put a marker on it
@SPAircraftOfficial I now realize I should just do that. However, for existing crafts and just for ease of building, I feel it should just be a default property.
I try to put the artificial horizon as high up as possible and if I don't forget it, I add a steady Indicator
But I forget the last step mostly :(