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Why do people with higher ranks get more upvotes…

7,472 TheCaper  1.7 years ago

I’ve asked this question a lot to myself, as I have found ___ not making very good builds, yet still getting more upvotes. Now, you could say my builds are not as good, which is fair, but I am speaking on behalf on the community. I just released a 456 part build, which is my largest and most detailed build, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any attention. I do not mean to offend higher ranked users by saying this, but this is a classic case of those who have more make more, and those who don’t stay at bronze/silver rankings. As I have already said, this is a simple question, not an attack and I hope you do not feel offended by this.

Anyway, with that being said, I hope you guys keep on building and helping one of the best games be, more noticed.


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    84.4k MrCOPTY

    That's The Formula Ig

    X    => Rank
    f(x) => Upvotes

    f(x) = x^2 / 10
    +2 9 months ago
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    7,472 TheCaper

    @Dragoranos Thanks mate 😉

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    as someone who has never really received much attention when compared to other users with the similar points, I never really cared about it. Obviously getting 20 upvotes is a great morale boost, but I've seen users like me get way more. In the end, I'm just another Late Gold. You learn to not care and do things that you like instead of things you do for upvotes. I could have made a plane that would probably get a lot of upvotes a while ago, but I put it aside because I didn't like the result. This is just a game, you learn not to care if your masterpiece gets 3 upvotes and some random german corsair gets 30. Just have fun to build. Thats it

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    7,472 TheCaper

    Thank You very much for this! I appreciate feedback and as a young person I still have loads to learn. 😉

    1.7 years ago
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    12.0k Skyler101

    Platinum users get upvotes because their famous and platinum, they could post anything and people would upvote because of their rank, this is why it’s so hard to get upvotes, my builds get 4 in a week and a platinum user can get 24 in 2 hours, I have a lot of followers but they aren’t around anymore, so to get upvotes you have to get a platinum to spotlight you or be platinum, so basically don’t be a average joe

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    In short Snowball effect
    It's all fake internet points so don't be bothered

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    aight if you really want to know
    High rankers usually have more followers, that's it. With jet stream, followers can view your post regardless of where it is on the airplanes pages. This has two effects:
    1. New posts, before appearing on hottest, get a boost so they end up on hottest, and
    2. Posts continue to get more upvotes from jet stream and stay on hottest for longer.
    But that's not to say good posts from new players can't appear on page 1 of hottest, because only a few pages of planes get posted in a day.
    Also, your last build has some notable factors:
    1. It is a dark machine on a dark background. The machine's features are unclear and the image does not stand out. People are less likely to click on this kind of thumbnail. (Use the search function to find thumbnail guides)
    2. It is a successor of a well-known post by a well-known user. I can't say for everyone, but this has a negative psychological effect that makes me feel that less has been done, and hence view the post with more scrutiny. It can discourage people from upvoting even if it is very different. On your build, the original frame is visible, so it adds to this issue.
    - Normal social networking site effect
    - Use a more attractive thumbnail. But keep it ethical, no clickbait
    - Use lighter plane colors if appropriate
    - Maybe don't make successors, or don't expect too much when making one

    +16 1.7 years ago