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I found this bug while playing SP

7,935 Pilotgoose  1.6 years ago

So I downloaded a 1: 1 copy of the bismark and placed it on USS beast catapult and after launching it, the Carrier spun off course and flew towards Snowstone super fast, I put another big aircraft and this time, USS beast just goes faster, so tell me, have you encountered this glitch??

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    @TheCommentaryGuy I'm not sure it actually should count as one. The Beast is scripted to move in a certain direction, but it's a dynamic object and really all it does is provide a constant "ahead" movement relative to the orientation of the ship, so if you nudge (or yeet) it out of alignment, it just kind of goes off in the new direction. Ideally it would try to return to its original course, but the game wasn't advanced enough for that when the ship AI was added back with the Tiny.

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    You can fuck up the USS Beast's course if the build is heavy enough. Technically its a bug.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    It's not a bug
    I'm not sure what did you expect launching Bismarck from a catapult

    +2 1.6 years ago