7,935 Pilotgoose

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joined 1.9 years ago

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I mainly like ww2 aircrafts and some jets
My favorite aircraft from ww2 is: Vought F4U Corsair and P-51 and P-47, P-38, Fw-190, Pilatus P-2
My fav jets are: F/A super hornet, F-16, Darkstar, ME-262, MiG-15
Eurofighter typhoon,

But others than that, hello I enjoy Simpleplanes and also play other games like Roblox (A_Baconv2) if you want to friend me on Roblox, I also have a love with alternate history. Side note, please don’t flood my roblox notifications with friend requests

spolocnost Pilotgoose Aviation by mohla byt schopná postavit... požiadavky hypersonickej zbrane alebo možno niecoho iného kábla hypersonických rýchlostí

Zakladatel PAC v roku 1943