So sorry about not posting as regularly but I've been working on another F-16C.
So this F-16C (V1.6) is more focused on trying to simulate the F-16C Viper and also trying to improve from my F-16C Block-25 (V1.5), and some of the improvements that the F-16C Block-25 (V1.6) includes and will include are
• More accurate / Detailed models
• More realistic flight model
•Vertical stabilizer and brakes added
•Realistic Canopy added
•And more
What paint job do you guys think I should give this F-16C?
F-16 block 25 when?
Idrk any schemes, maybe do uaeaf as a joke. (They only made the block 60 for UAE)
@ToeTips Thanks
Nice falcon, T
@FishbedFive ok
Trigger's Spare Squadron, maybe.