3,364 FishbedFive

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joined 4.7 years ago

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Hi! I'm FishbedFive, or you can call me Delta, since I mostly go by that name. I specialize in making military aircraft, armored vehicles, and taking far too long on a build. If you want to contact me, contact me at haya_nate43 on Discord or @LoadaSabot38 on Twitter, or via bombing my house (please dont im still repairing the 2021 crater)

16 year old high functioning autistic Texan that just wants to start from a new slate. Seemingly cannot escape controversy. or doxxing.

-Reached 2021 points in 2021

Previously known as LostCausesIncorporated, Mei_IrizakiTheAnnoyingOne, DeltaLCI, RyuuguLCI, DeltaLCI, DeltaLCR