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How to set piston to extend ?

0 SwJXV  1.5 years ago

I'm currently work in on my plane landing gear and I want the piston to starting with the extend stance. Can we make it extend first, then retract it after ?

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    If the direction is Pull instead of Push, the piston will be extended in the designer, and retracts when the input increases

    1.5 years ago
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    50.2k PlaneFlightX

    You could use some code I wrote a while ago:
    Main Gear Doors Code

    A code which is simple to modify the timing of, and is 1 whenever landing gear is retracted or extended, otherwise it is 0.

    clamp01(pingpong(smooth(clamp01(GearDown) * 2, 0.5), 1) > 0)

    Change "0.5" to a smaller number for a longer timing, or a larger number for a shorter timing.

    1.5 years ago