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A Study on Landing Gear

1,492 ArsAlmal  1.6 years ago

It's been a while since I last posted

I took a break from the game, I wanted to learn something that will help me in designing aircrafts. In this post I will talk a bit on landing gears

It started when someone pointed out on custom gear design to enhance my build. I haven't thought it much since I thought I wanted to build accessible models. However, after a number of videos and reference materials on landing gears, I thought I should try design one for the interceptor.

For this build, I decided to base my design on the Foxhound, but with a twist on my own.

The bogey consists of two wheels on an offset from each other not only for better spread on the ground, but also to facilitate the large wheels on a short bogey.
Unlike the Foxhound, however, the bogey on this build is solid for simplicity's sake. The bogey itself is still free moving with dampers attached to it, also serving as a way to fold the assembly when raising the gear.

It also serves as sort of a secondary set of dampers for that extra hard landings

For the nose gear, I don't have any particular reference point apart from the fact that i need to make it tall enough so the nose wouldn't droop down. Maybe I can do something with the other versions.

Overall I'm quite happy with the results. This and a number of QOL fixes done, I'll probably upload this soon.

Until then, high winds.