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Question on auto credit system

11.8k MRM19  1.6 years ago

Hey, so I have had this problem come up a handful of times where when I am building the X-axis will be shifter off center and the only way I know how to fix this is to take the entire build and turn it into a sub assembly then place it onto a new cockpit (a separate build) which is normally fine except for the specific build I am working on currently as it is based off of someone else’s build and I would like to give credit. Is there any way to either fix the alignment issues without having to make a separate build, or can I manually make my aircraft a successor?

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    26.5k Kendog84

    You can modify your airplane's data file (.xml), and edit the url field (copy-paste the URL of the predecessor build) and save the file. If you are on PC, you can do it by opening the file with notepad, and if u r on iPhone, there's an app that lets you move and edit docoments (I use use one called Document by Readdle).
    The part you want to replace is the six-letter part.
    You may have moved on from this, so in that case I'm posting this for the benefit of others who sees this post looking for info.

    +1 10 months ago
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    1. Reload the plane by leaving and entering the designer. This will reset the position after the plane is moved when editing fuselage blocks.
    2. Check for and remove any disconnected parts.
    3. You may have large scaled parts or labels that extend past the bounding box of the rest of the parts, or the aircraft may contain asymmetric details. There is nothing you can do about it.
    There is also a way to set the predecessor using the xml file.

    1.6 years ago
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    1,653 NothingMuch

    You can tag a mod and ask them politely to credit your build I’m pretty sure but idk

    1.6 years ago