So say i am going mach two at 75 percent throttle, and i want the afterburner to turn on only if i am throttled at 80 percent and going mach 2.5, is that possible, if so can you make a variable so i can copy and paste
So say i am going mach two at 75 percent throttle, and i want the afterburner to turn on only if i am throttled at 80 percent and going mach 2.5, is that possible, if so can you make a variable so i can copy and paste
@LoneSpaceGaming thanks, i updated my rd-1 rammerhead jet, check it out
Set the throttle input to:
clamp01(Throttle > [THROTTLE % 0 BEING 0% 1 BEING 100%]) * clamp01(IAS > [DESIRED SPEED])
Everything in all caps and [] you type in to your desired throttle % and speed. You could use True Airspeed or Ground Speed instead of Indicated Airspeed, just set IAS to TAS or GS respectively.
@Maver1ck This goes in the input section of the engine. It goes in the throttle.
@PlaneFlightX where does this go throttle or ag
@PlaneFlightX just noticed that funky trees is a mix of java and html mostly
@SPAircraftOfficial @Maver1ck To further improve this code, use:
clamp01(Throttle > 0.8 & IAS > 857.5)
Is 1 when the conditions specified in the post are true, otherwise it is 0.
Thank you
@Maver1ck in activationGroup you put IAS>[speed you want in knots I think]
Trying to make a working ramjet is hard
@Maver1ck wait let me test it, I'll tell you in a few mins what I found out
@SPAircraftOfficial that answers that part but what about the speed part of it, is ther any way to do both
With input what I know:
Throttle>0.80 but if only with 80 percent change > to =