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Why Does SimplePlanes Make Everything Hard?!

2,383 CallsignGizmo  1.5 years ago

Just the other day, all of my aircraft have been deleted from SimplePlanes on PC, might be Steam’s fault though. But the other problem is that certain things don’t work on PC but work on mobile, (such as MisterT’s Walker, the head bobs the whole time even when stopped in FPS mode. And some funky trees code, which is identical I can assure you that, just doesn't work) and vise versa (some funky trees code, {whatever input here ? “” : “”} doesn’t work)
Can someone please help? There are no updates that I need or anything like that.
(I’m not hating on the game, it’s just very annoying when something doesn’t work for absolutely no reason whatsoever)

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    The red label to the port side was just from the Walker, it doesn’t have any function, just so I could easily copy and past the cariables

    1.5 years ago
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    @LoneSpaceGaming you need the curly braces { }, the labels under the heli rotors do not have it. The { } tells the game that whatever inside is FT and should be evaluated. Without it, the game treats it as normal text.
    In addition, the first line has a normal braces ( ) mismatch, and the first : should be ?. I am assuming that the n is the name of the variable. If you have used { } but the FT is not replaced with a value, it's because there is a syntax error. The dev console can sometimes tell you what is wrong.
    The following is text copied from the label. If this isn't the area of concern, tell me.
    n(Time*800)/2 : 0) : 0

    WALK_X_inc (Pitch*sin(FPS_YAW)+Roll*cos(FPS_YAW))*(abs(Pitch)&abs(Roll)?FPS_Speed/2:FPS_Speed)

    WALK_Z_inc (Pitch*cos(FPS_YAW)-Roll*sin(FPS_YAW))*(abs(Pitch)&abs(Roll)?FPS_Speed/2:FPS_Speed)

    Offset_X clamp01(WALK)*WALK_Start_X

    Offset_Y clamp01(WALK)*WALK_Start_Y

    Offset_Z clamp01(WALK)*WALK_Start_Z
    The physics is the same, or very similar, across platforms, as long as the physics quality is the same. It's possible that the builds you downloaded do not support low physics, which have very soft connections when rotators and pistons are used.

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    Also, could you teach me the ways of the fact fonts and whatnot on this wesbsite?

    1.5 years ago
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    This is the troublesome craft here:

    1.5 years ago
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    Yeah, two weeks ago, maybe more, all unlockable locations and all of the little green marks for things you have done were reset, it had to do with being signed out of my games or something yet I was still signed into steam, still haven’t fixed it.

    1.5 years ago
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    @LoneSpaceGaming Interesting. Only thing I can think of would be compatibility inconsistencies, but I'm not a dev nor a mobile user so I wouldn't know much about that.

    Did you happen to check your game files to see if the aircraft files themselves were deleted?

    1.5 years ago
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    Nope, I’ve checked it against the stock aircraft such as the Wasp, copied and pasted the input, but as soon as I change whatever it says in the quotations, and no I didn’t delete them, it stops working. Only on mobile though.

    For the Walker not working, that’s also all funky trees.

    I think the Steam cloud whatever thing might have to do with the aircraft being deleted.

    1.5 years ago
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    Chances are, if the input isn't working, then you probably made an error. Check the console logs for any errors. Check connections as well, maybe even disconnect and manually reconnect the part(s).

    Your physics settings will affect how builds work. If something you downloaded isn't working as it does for other people, chances are it's probably your physics settings.

    As for your aircraft being deleted, yeah not sure about that one. Sorry to hear that.

    +1 1.5 years ago