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Variable system Question?

961 WhistlingDeath14  1.4 years ago

Can someone please help me understand this? I’m trying to use the Variable system and I’m making a fuel tank safety switch with a light attachment.

Switch13. I want it to be so the red light is on and the green one is off when the switch is off, and when the switch is one the green light is on and the red light is off.

And how do I make my engine idle at a low rpm when I turn the start switch on?.

And how do I turn simple throttle into a parking break?.

I’m building a P-38 ( Late variant ) with a full working interior.

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    1. Make switch that writes to Switch13

      • If the switch does not respond to some clicks, ensure that interactionType is Toggle.

    2. You can use the beacon light. Try and see what happens when the input is Switch13.

      • Check out the funky trees resources to find which operator inverts your switch signal.

    3. The easiest way to make an idling engine is to set a minimum input. Try using the ternary operators ? and : to make an if-else statement, using whether the engine is on as a condition.

      • The input controller should be 0 when the engine is off.

      • When the engine is on, the input should be at least a certain small number. The easiest way is to use the min function.

    4. You can change the input of the simple throttle to Brake. The further you push it, the more the wheels will brake. Scroll through the list of controls that you can set from cockpit parts.
    1.4 years ago