Thank you and the future of this account

Hello everyone.
I've been a long time user of both simpleplanes, and the simpleplanes website, I first picked up the game in December 2014/January 2015 when it was mobile only, I joined this site in 2016, and while there's a massive 6 year gap where I did not post, I still watched as the community grew and evolved.
Watching the highs and lows, as people learned more efficient ways to create their vehicles, watching people come and go, its all apart the cycle of this game, with that being said, this game is very old and its no surprise that this game will no longer receive anymore major updates. The game doesn't need anything new. It will continue its cycle of life until the very end, people will keep coming and people will keep going, who knows SimplePlanes 2 could be around the corner and we just dont know it. SimplePlanes has lend its self to one of the most supportive and caring communities I have ever come across, and for that, Thank you.

Now for the less sobby stuff:
What's in store for the future of this account and will I keep posting?
Yes I will keep posting and I have a multitude of future projects planned, I plan on pushing myself to my very limit of what I can achieve, so if I go again, for another year, I could very well just be working on something great (or bad, or get stuck with procrastination again)
Until then, keep building, keep innovating, fly safe!
@Mage2IsTriggered I first got this game back in 2014, and my first account was made in 2015, but i couldnt remember its user or password, so i made a new one when i was 11 in 2016, and then after making some less than great posts, took a masive 6 year hiatus from posting, but still lurked on the site
@Shugie highly unfortunate man, really sad
@Mage2IsTriggered 6 long years of not uploading lol
How youre still silver is beyond me, man
@XAircraftManufacturer You've been posting nice-looking jetliners for over 3 years.
I can't say that about myself.
When I say I've stagnated, I mean I've stagnated at a very low skill level.
@Graingy relatable
Look at me!
I'm basically in SimplePlanes limbo.
And have never improved.
I still suck.
@Graingy If I hadn't taken a 6 year long hiatus, I would probably be making better builds and have more points haha
Still have a higher point-per-second than I do lol
@Graingy Indeed :D