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Is SP in danger with the new awful Unity TOS?

31.9k Mage2IsTriggered  1.5 years ago

This question is more oriented to the Devs (who probs won't see this but alas), but anyone can talk and stuff.

Title says it all basically. Is SP in danger of being delisted or worse with the revenue sharing changes brought by Unity's shady and disgusting changes? And what is your stance on this as of now? Is an engine change even possible?

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    41.2k Graingy

    @ShinyGemsBro this forum was posted before the announcement you silly little sillyperson

    1.5 years ago
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    41.2k Graingy

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes no wait the SimplePlanes inquisition will have my head!
    You… You’re with them, aren’t you?!?!??!

    YOU did THIS!

    1.5 years ago
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    @Pan, what do you have against the case of @Graingy? (see below)
    Go ahead, we’re listening…

    1.5 years ago
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    52.3k ShinyGemsBro

    It's dead anyway
    Andrew himself said that they're leaving SP behind for better projects

    1.5 years ago
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    41.2k Graingy

    @Majakalona Bananada

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @Graingy no I was making a fool out of the "hit" Game gartbenof banana

    1.5 years ago
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    41.2k Graingy

    @Majakalona Garden of Panpan eh?
    Puts on Tinfoil hat
    Pan is conspiring against Unity to bring upon the end of SimplePlanes!

    1.5 years ago
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    Thanks a lot for the reply, @AndrewGarrison, i am rooting for all of you there at Jundroo HQ and for this to be resolved

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    We appreciate your concern, but we don't expect to be affected by the new changes and we don't plan to switch engines. Hopefully the response from the dev community has knocked some sense into them.

    +20 1.5 years ago
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    Jundroo isn't in any danger from this, especially considering the changes may not even come to pass. If Unity themselves don't end up backtracking on it, then potential lawsuits from huge companies like Microsoft (who would have to foot the bill for Unity games on Game Pass) could force them to backtrack anyway. I wouldn't worry about Jundroo.

    +3 1.5 years ago
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    @G2 exactly and with Flyout and ksp2 in the same game devision as Sp it might be necessary

    1.5 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    @StockPlanesRemastered yeah, although a native engine would have to be built from the ground up, jundroo completely manages it, so even if there is a price hike it could allow for a spike in game quality, and maybe a viable SP 2 on this new engine(??????)

    1.5 years ago
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    2,410 Destroyer08

    Well, If this game makes a drastic measures with all this changes, as long as Jundroo carry on, I'll be happy to support the game...

    This is by far the best of the best game that i installed in a mobile device...

    1.5 years ago
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    2,410 Destroyer08

    Well, If this game makes a drastic measures with all this changes, as long as Jundroo carry on, I'll be happy to support the game...

    This is by far the best of the best game that i installed in a mobile device...

    1.5 years ago
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    @G2 they knew about it well before we did. But we should also be concerned about Juno because it uses the same engine. I'm thinking they're already looking into unreal engine or going in the direction Realflight went which is using a native engine. Unfortunately that would mean a massive and I mean MASSIVE price hike for a new game.

    1.5 years ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @Majakalona true tho.

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @ToeTips or the price might just increase

    1.5 years ago
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    28.5k ToeTips

    So basically the days of sp are numbered?

    1.5 years ago
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    Uh oh
    Hope nothing bad happens to Simpleplanes or I will cry myself to sleep for a month/week after something bad happens

    Another thing: unity has made masterpieces/Mona Lisa's of gaming such as Simpleplanes, Spaceflight simulator, and may not be a Mona Lisa but "Super Bear Adventure"
    But unity has also been used to make bloody diarrhea sort of games such as "Garden of panpan"

    1.5 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    @StockPlanesRemastered that was wayyy before the whole controversy with unity, they're just retasking to juno because sp is so old that it would require a redesign from the ground up for any sweeping changes
    on top of the whole unity thing i just dont see it happening

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @StockPlanesRemastered i dont think that is the reason

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    There's a reason they said they're not developing SP

    1.5 years ago
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    @G2 oh yeah i heard that. The dude that talked about having to pay a dollar for a new magazine in Battlefield.
    And yeah, also heard about that insider trading thing, didn't know it was a crime, just thought it was shady as hell

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    fun fact
    the CEO of unity was the former CEO of EA
    while this guy was running EA, he implemented the "buy out indie game studios, overmonitize their product until they are ruined and then dump them" policy
    also, a ton of higher ups at unity did a shit-ton of insider trading right before they did the new announcement on the cost-per-download policy, which is a federal crime with a minimum sentence of 20 years iirc

    +9 1.5 years ago