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How do i make a tilt rotor without the tilting motors messing with the center of mass?

4,298 Cookiewinner9  1.4 years ago

Its all in the title really. I am having trouble with tilting the motors of my tilt rotor aircraft. For some reason when i tilt the proppelers it starts to rapidly pitch up. The proppelers are custom and shouldn't provide lift (i used structural pieces, not structural wings) . Ive tried changing both the mass and drag to 0 but nothing seems to work. Can somone help me?

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    16.3k SilverStar

    Maybe your engines pods have a high mass at the rear ?

    1.4 years ago
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    @ToeTips The proppelers dont do anything but spin, i use VTOL nozzles to proppel the aircraft but even with 0% trust going into airplane mode starts tilting the whole aircraft backwards

    1.4 years ago
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    @32 I will, thank you

    1.4 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    if you tag me on an unlisted post I can see what I can do.

    1.4 years ago
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    27.5k ToeTips

    Perhaps it is because the propellers that were previously pushing you forwards because they were forward have now had their direction changed? Why do you think thrust vectoring is a thing? Do you understand what I'm implying?

    1.4 years ago