So i have multiple planes labeled in different names and Family. So first up is
Exadrov: Its a plane for once, haves some really wierd body shapes and stuff but actually good
ZYTA: good one, but it looks more futuristic than actually flies like it would does because it looks so cool
MÄRZKIT: big question, this boi makes planes and cars, which one is better
Tauri/Centauri class planes: you know this, its practically sketches or paper planes that i find cool to build
Shibposts: I will make literally anything fly, except for planes
Which one should you pick, and also, i have too much plane tags to care about, so picking one of them helps
Quality question: should this be..
12.6k FomahaultCoredemshau
1.1 years ago
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 atomgrad time
@Graingy NOUVAGRAD! jumpscare
Uh huh... Sure... That...
@Graingy no, Novagrad IS real but not NOUVAgrad, Kaliningrad or Stalingrad does exist, it all have a Grad in the end
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 In the spirit of debate, Nouvagrad is real
I am confusion
@Graingy Nouvagrad is not real
What word?
@Majakalona no Exadrov is this, also it is only 2 planes so i want to expand it, its like a large tree of Xtars and Exdarich Planes
What you mean by "Exadrov" is actually this
Check that guy's planes for more planes just like that
You know the word