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1 part PFD problems.

8,007 SOP  1.4 years ago

I’m trying to sort out how to reduce the clipping during pitch and roll changes. The brown and blue horizon components and the pitch angle sticks out beyond the gauge boundaries. I was trying to go in and edit the horizon component sizes and to reduce the amount of pitch angles shown which stick out above the dash. Any help finding the elements I need to edit in the funky trees script? Pictures included to show problem areas.

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    Yeah it's almost impossible to edit 1 part PFDs. Try to contact the author (but it's likely they already forgot how they made it lol)

    1.4 years ago
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    8,007 SOP

    @hpgbproductions I tried to do that. Unfortunately I have a footwell that digs into the panel. Already depressed the PFD deeper into the panel and no dice. The original 1Part hud never had the pitch elevation display issues so hopefully I can find the bit of code to fix that but the 1Part hud never had a color coded horizon. I was think about removing the bottom blue and orange blocks and resizing the bottom bottom blocks but I can’t even find the code elements for that. The thing is a real pain.

    1.4 years ago
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    That's just a limitation of all label artificial horizons. If possible, make a cutout in the main wall of the panel, so that you can place the label deeper than the panel

    1.4 years ago