Thanks for getting me this far, guys. I appreciate all the support throughout these 2.8 years. It has been quite the journey.
Special thanks for @32 for boosting me ~1k points and everyone else for getting me here; Zaineman, X99STRIKER, BeastHunter, MrCarrot, ColonelCanada, and the countless others including those in my bio :D
Thanks for helping me reach this point yall
And until next time :)
@WADA thanks :D
Finally platinum
@StinkyRice awesome that you enjoyed it :D
And thanks :)
@IceCraftGaming thanks for saying that bro i really had a nice vacation also congrats my friend 👍
@AfkSlot Ah, that guy is pretty chill hope he enjoys his vacation
And thanks :D
yo congrats on getting platinum i wish @StinkyRice would congrats you too but he left the SP site because he had an vacation
@AppyPappy thanks :>
Congrats @IceCraftGaming
@SPAircraftOfficial yup, see ya there! :D
@JacksEpicGamingYT awesome, and thanks!
See ya soon in plat when I get there
@V Behold, the most vile string of words ever uttered by man!
At the tips of my fingers…
@IceCraftGaming ur welcome
@IceCraftGaming it's not up to me what you use the word for
@V am I allowed to use it after saying a silly word to avoid backlash?
Congratulations on platinum, your okthxbye permit is in the mail.
@Graingy skill issue
I think there might be a few extra factors in there
2.5 years huh?
looks at account age
Is 5.6 years
Looks at points
I mean… my fault, but…
@SimpleStudent also wonderful for caving in skulls
Very heavy
@SimpleStudent @Graingy ty :>>
@BeechcraftA35 ty :)
@XAircraftManufacturer ty coal fam