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List of future projects

7,935 Pilotgoose  1.3 years ago

So I am back from to the Sp site and wanted to share some future projects. But here are the projects |

Soviet disguised aircraft (Gonovic-45)
(Build date: July 5th 1946)
(Time in service: July 6th 1946 - August 10th 1974)
(Basic info: Propeller power, 2 engines)
(Russian name: ???????-45)
(Pronounced: Jo-n-o-vic)

Japanese glider (Masutafaita glider)
(Usage: used as a Kamikaze glider dropped off modified bombers)
(Build date: June 4th 1944)
(Time in service: June 4th 1944 - August 14 1945)
(Propulsion: 3 jets in the back)
(Known attacks: 32)

German ME-345
(Usage: used during the German invasion of Britain)
(Build date: April 7th 1944 (in a alternate world where the soviets lost to the Germans in WW2)
(Time in service: April 19th 1944 - May 26th 1961)
(Design: A build similar to the Me-262 but with a few modifications)

That is everything for now,

T for tag on the posts ( when they are posted)

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  • Profile image
    7,935 Pilotgoose

    This looks more like build files than a teaser for the posts

    Pinned 1.3 years ago
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    7,935 Pilotgoose

    @CKKI I already posted it, the only reason others will take so long is that I need to find a way to make them good for flight

    1.3 years ago
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    14.2k CKKI

    @Pilotgoose, it is interesting. I'll be waiting for him

    1.3 years ago
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    7,935 Pilotgoose

    @CKKI it is fictional, I for the less like fictional then making replicas

    1.3 years ago
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    14.2k CKKI

    @Pilotgoose, Gonovic-45? What's it? Can you please give information about this aircraft. I've never heard of such a thing

    1.3 years ago