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How to be nice on the internet

31.0k 32  1.3 years ago

This is my guide for stuff you should probably already be doing. I'm not perfect, I will acknowledge that I have done some of these in the past and unfortunately will probably do some of these in the future.

1. Be Respectful. This is the most important thing on the list. Remember that everyone here is a human being, and they deserve to be treated well. Before you post something, put yourself in their shoes and if you wouldn't like someone to say that to you, just don't say it.

2. Follow the site rules. This one's a bit obvious, but uh just don't say things you know the mods are gonna take down. just don't lol

3. Don't discriminate. point count is pretty irrelevant. What it can tell you is a rough approximation of a user's skill/popularity. What it can't tell you is whether or not this person matters any less than you do (they don't).
4.Other people believe stuff too. Don't be disrespectful towards people's beliefs or religion. That giant cross I posted on Easter a while back didn't take much backlash, which is probably why it didn't get taken down. The “furry update“ post was removed due to controversy. Just because you don't like something does not mean that your opinion matters so much that you can tear somebody down. It goes back to the whole be respectful thing.

If everybody followed these guidelines, the site would be a better place.
Unfortunately they're not going to.

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    1: be respectful
    barashishippers would be in jail if that was a law

    1.3 years ago
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    12.0k Skyler101

    Rexzion has joined the chat 💀

    1.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    @Sm10684 Yes that also

    1.3 years ago
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    48.7k Sm10684

    @5 taiwan

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    Chinese users whenever someone post anything related to Japan:

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    1,515 QazEEqaZ

    Ok but I am QazEEqaZ 😎

    1.3 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Majakalona wait really? i thought it got removed for politics.

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    The Hood guys whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt utilize Oral B whilst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt unconditionally breaking the rules 1,2,3,4 whomst like this image of a nibba

    1.3 years ago
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    38.9k Graingy

    Then they come back.
    To everyone else's disappointment.

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    38.9k Graingy

    You poopyhead stinkybutt
    Look at this picture of a pp
    We will bully silvers at midnight.
    The church shall fall before me.
    I am so cool 😎😎😎😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥😎😎😎

    1.3 years ago
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    my taiwaneese ball got removed for supposedly "copying"
    i dont know where "flyandexperiment" got the model from and i just decided to remake it

    +5 1.3 years ago
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    Moderators monitor the rules of the site, rules are rarely violated. But points 1,3,4 are often violated.

    I’m thinking of writing something similar, but about the terms - criticism, whining, complaints and insults, since there are many who do not see the difference in these terms.

    +11 1.3 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    @ShinyGemsBro yea that's pretty much what happens

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    51.5k ShinyGemsBro

    They're not obliged to follow them anyway
    Let them be twits and watch them disappear once they wear out their welcome.

    +8 1.3 years ago
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    i brek da rool cuz am cool

    +1 1.3 years ago