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Funky Trees Bandit Callout

2,383 CallsignGizmo  1.3 years ago


A label that will display the location of the bandit 12 being forward and 6 being back.


Please help!

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    I misread and thought you wanted to find bandit airport 💀
    4 and maybe 3 still apply

    1.3 years ago
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    I was thinking along the lines of (TargetHeading - Heading) / 180

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    1. Represent the target location as longitude (x) and latitude (z), and hence find the displacement from the player to the target in each axis.
    2. Find the absolute/magnetic bearing from the player to the target. Try atan2().
    3. Find the relative bearing from the player (nose) to the target. Try deltaangle().
    4. Design a code to convert this to 1,2,3..12. You might want to use repeat() and round().
    1.3 years ago