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Ai Racer Challenge - Final Resault

133k KSB24  1.3 years ago

Hello, everyone
This is the day what we waited for.
The Day when Ai Racer Challenge Ends!

Thanks for Many people Getting Interested, and Joining My Challenge.
And, This is The Final Resault of This Challenge.

(Yellow Number Under Each Entry Stands for Part Score.)
(I'm Sorry for Some Peoples Who have Suggested me to change the Scoring Method. I have no objection on their Suggestions, but i feared about that will causing the chaos on the challenge, when if i change in too late timing.
Also, if i Start any challenge like this again, i Will Do My Best to Make the Scoring Method More Fair. Thank you.)


WritersCrusadersAirCo's Ai Racer Kübelwagen


Artutu's AI Land Rover Defender 130 [5-Door]


winterro's Floating Kawachi - Gold prix

Masterpices That aren't Received Enough Upvotes

L3FT2R1GHT's Roberts GPX fix

Connro's Ai Racer Challenge - Rally Car

Also, Thank you Everyone who Joind The Challenge.

GOD Bless You!

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    60.6k BMilan

    @KSB24 Yea fair, I don't want any drama either, I'm just making sure the truth is known, because you said, it's important to be known

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    133k KSB24

    @BMilan 😱 I thought it was you just invisible mentioning (make a mention comment and delete it by yourself), but i just too surprised for all the things he did to you. But let's not stir up the drama with ourselves on this site. Because this is the site that's too far from that purpose..
    But i'm truely appreciate about that you let me know the truths. Truths is the most important thing. ⚖️

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    @KSB24 Glad I could help with a big info then. That user has a history of using taken builds as challenge entries (or just uploading taken builds or parts without credit in general) so if you are planning another challenge in the future, I recommend checking entries extra carefully

    Also if you got two other random pings, those were me too, I tried to tell you this info under his post but he deleted my comments both times and blocked me, showing that he is trying to hide the truth about the build's origins

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    133k KSB24

    @BMilan this info you tell me isn't little as you said. It's major info that even i didn't noticed..

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    60.6k BMilan

    A little side info: The winner build probably should have been disqualified from the beginning, since it was taken from pacnelvonat's german vehicles pack with minor modifications and with no credit, and the rules of the challenge state that no stealing is allowed. Of course, it's up to KSB24 to decide if it was modified enough to not be considered stolen but I have a feeling he didn't even know that it was taken from someone else

    1.1 years ago
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    133k KSB24

    @DatMaluchGuy19 ✔️

    1.3 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @KSB24 Yo, Can You Turn This Into An Ai Racer? Also, Yes, The Gas Pedal And Brake Lights Does Work, Keep In Mind About That, Make Sure That This One Can Drift Too, Also, Can You Also Turn This Into An Ai? Except This One Should Be An Ai Chaser, Also, The Gas Pedal And Brake Lights Does Work Just Like The Hayosiko Ricochet, Keep In Mind About That Too!

    1.3 years ago
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    1,225 imprezamk

    I’m okay, I haven’t win any challenges before. I’m fine if I didn’t win.

    1.3 years ago
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    133k KSB24

    I downloaded the maywar mod on my phone, and i just found where the Rattlesnake Raceway is at.
    But.. In the Pc version, where Exactly is the coordinate of Spawn point of Rattlesnake Raceway? (I Need it for Summon Point of Ai)

    1.3 years ago
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    11.3k Artutu

    well im 2nd

    1.3 years ago
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    79.8k Zerkk


    1.3 years ago
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    94.3k winterro

    Ive got a great idea, what about doing Rattlesnake racetrack next?

    It was never fully added and nobody has has ever done a challenge on it.

    Your ai might change that. It has some real steep slopes and it might be a real challenge.

    1.3 years ago