On December 5th 2022 i got into a car crash
My sister was driving it, but it was also snowy on the road
The fence hasn't been fixed yet lol
On December 5th 2022 i got into a car crash
My sister was driving it, but it was also snowy on the road
The fence hasn't been fixed yet lol
You crashed into one, i got hit by one
We are not the same
Last year i almost died on a four wheeler
I think we should make more thing about road safety
(Even tho i was the one driving)
womp wompppp
Skill issue
@ColonelRelford twas a handa hybrid car, electric and gas
cool story bro, gonna have to tell my son about this
@Seredamia closest thing I have to a alt is @Simplestupid , but he's my brother
@Upv0000000006 then who are you then?
@DatMaluchGuy19 I am not aviator720 either
@Seredamia I am not majakalona
@Seredamia i had no clue whatsoever.
Why are you using alts to upvote your own post?
why do we need to know that?