@Graingy now everyone knows? Thought everyone knew that since the beginning of this scuffle. I’m not creative, can’t build for shit, and have a horrible schedule. Thought everyone would know I’m a dumbass waaaay before this point lmfao
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 You wish you were right.
So, I hope you've learned your lesson @ComradeinCommune, because now everybody knows that @Guywhobuildsstuff is a dumbass!
Take that!
@Majakalona yep. .you did.
i stole it hhahahahahahahahahhhaahhahahhahahhaahahhaahahhahahaahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaahha
@Graingy I was doing an impression? Yeah… ha, yeah. An “impression” of Grain Guy is exactly what I was doing…. Haaa
@Guywhobuildsstuff Your Grain Guy impression is on-point, I must say.
@Graingy now everyone knows? Thought everyone knew that since the beginning of this scuffle. I’m not creative, can’t build for shit, and have a horrible schedule. Thought everyone would know I’m a dumbass waaaay before this point lmfao
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 You wish you were right.
So, I hope you've learned your lesson @ComradeinCommune, because now everybody knows that @Guywhobuildsstuff is a dumbass!
Take that!
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 cause its a no gravatar
You cant take my gravatar lol, never, never never
This is him, XtarsTheExdarichGuy33016
There is no picture