@Vetrillum and your use of Cyrillic in place of similar-looking Latin script warrants an exorcism.
(PS: their name is ComradeInCommune. I should know, since they got that from me)
Once you're past, like, 100 the only thing they really mean are whether you can spotlight or not (You need more than the person to do so).
They also affect how someone will see you.
A Platinum will probably be taken more seriously than a Silver.
@Vetrillum Literal Pig Latin
1. Нене 🐷
2. Он- sо тнат's wну sометнiиg didи'т lоок rigнт...
@Korzalerke2147483647 I see…
@Vetrillum and your use of Cyrillic in place of similar-looking Latin script warrants an exorcism.
(PS: their name is ComradeInCommune. I should know, since they got that from me)
@Graingy this
Иgl, уоur vосавulаrу иеvеr сеаsеs то амаzе ме 🐷
Lol 🐷
@Vetrillum dagnabbit
Нен, иот аиумоrе! СomradeInCommune is сurrеитlу ат 7669 роiитs 🐷
@Korzalerke2147483647 The what??
@5 I hath seen those names before... Yet I have yet to get an explanation that sticks with mineself.
@Graingy You also need over 1000 for the xml update feature for some reason, after that you only need them for spotlighting though.
Undеrsтаndавlе lol 🐷
Knightofren and wiimini
@Vetrillum haha that hurts my brain to look at.
@V Corruption at the highest level, eh?
@Graingy yea, but my number is bigger than yours. (I stopped caring about points after 10k, the only reason I'm plat is that I was a curator)
Реrsоnаllу, I тнinк тне роinтs аrе тнеre то мотivате рlауеrs то кеер роsтing соnтent, аnd то sее ноw fаr тнеу'vе соме 🐷
@ComradeInCommune Yeah but... My number is bigger!
Once you're past, like, 100 the only thing they really mean are whether you can spotlight or not (You need more than the person to do so).
They also affect how someone will see you.
A Platinum will probably be taken more seriously than a Silver.
Numbers on the screen many think are their life lines