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how to make flaps slower

15 SovietMalxer  one year ago

How do i make flaps on wings deploy slower?

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    83.6k Monarchii

    @SovietMalxer if you want to see an example of flaps on control surfaces, i suggest seeing the variable tab on one of my [PEA] planes (⁠ ^ ~ ^⁠ ⁠)

    one year ago
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    @Monarchii thank you so much i didnt know how to and i didnt read hpgb sorry but thank you so much for explaining it im making an airliner and i needed that info

    one year ago
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    83.6k Monarchii

    like hpgb said, but since you asked i might as well explain...

    smooth function works by slowing down the rate/speed of the input, and it works like this:


    that's it! so for example, if I were to do it for flaps, i would do it like: smooth(VTOL,0.3), and now let's talk about how to limit it...

    to limit an input, you would use the clamp function, how does it work?
    firstly, let's establish how it would look like, which is: clamp(input,-x,x)
    now let's say theoretically you have a rotator with a 180° rotation range..
    by using clamp(VTOL,-0.2,0.1), you've basically limited the rotation to 36° to one side(because 36° is 0.2 of 180°, the - sign is needed because its the opposite of positive), and 18°(because 18° is 0.1 of 180°), any questions?

    one year ago
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    Try the smooth function

    +2 one year ago