Who on this website has the most comments?
You can check by going to your "newest" comments page, going to page 2, and then in the URL replacing the 2 with another number to go to that page.
(That also works with basically every kind of page here, so you can find however many thousand pages of craft there are)
(Note that the following numbers are the top page, not complete pages. Literally just subtract 1)
These numbers apply to 21/3/24 at approx. 6:40 PM PDT.
There are 310 pages on the Graingy account. Most are most definitely from me in the last couple years.
Page 250 is from 9 months ago.
This is definitely Monarchii's fault lmao
MousewithaMachineGun122 has 62 pages.
Majakalona has 70 pages.
Randomplayer has 59 pages.
Monarchii(withastolenMG) has 118 pages. I show up quite far back lol
Guywhobuildsstuff has only 9 pages.
OrangeConnor2 has 8 pages on their current account.
How many do you have?
Only 10 pages for me, I don't talk mach
I have 23 pages. First comment 1.4 years ago though my account is 2 years old I don’t know what the fuck I was using this account for before then.. it feels like I’ve been making smart-ass/funny/drama starting comments forever
Mine is currently 23 pages
Well I only have 20 pages of comments XD
64, which is twice as much as 32. Not everything about me's a half-stack
115 pages so far
This may come as a shocker but I only have 33 pages as of today 💀
I have 84 pages on my comment lists
edit: hey look I'm famous
as stated here
@TriStar You have 150 pages
@AshdenpawTG22 huh
Never mind like 2 years ago he started posting a ton on this one specific build
@AndrewGarrison probably has like 2 pages 💀
@Randomplayer Something tells me that's not quite right.
1 comment so far
@32 Half-Stack Hoser.
@Graingy i swear either i had a brain fart moment or what, and i just realized that the way i tried "explaining" it just sounds stupid xd
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 I am not American. Martian.
And the entire country is islands. Sure, there may be subdivisions, but there's hardly a continental mainland.
@Graingy it's not an island, it's a province somewhere in java, or the mainland basically- i don't know how to explain it to american-minded people like you so...
@Graingy it's not an island, it's a province somewhere in java, or the mainland basically.
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 Bogor one of the islands?