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If you're leaving, can it be goodbye for now, and not goodbye forever?

24.5k RobertsAeronautics  10 months ago

I understand why some users leave, but a lot of them are leaving, more than usual, and likely never coming back. This is actually quite sad, as we never see some of their talent again, like MAPA's ai aircraft. However, while I understand that some players are now entering uni, flight school (and if you are, good luck), or something else is happening/has happened in real life and have less free time, I don't understand why these players say "goodbye forever", instead of "goodbye for now", especially when they've enjoyed SP, I mean, we'll still be here when you get back!

Another thing I don't understand is when players stop playing SP because they lost interest in the game. But I don't really see how it's possible to just simply lose interest in the game, it's one of, if not the greatest sandbox game of all time, there's so much to do! So much to explore! If your bored, discover new things in the game! But a lot of those who've lost interest in the game is because of another game. If that game is Juno, or another Jundroo game, your all good. If it's another flight simulator where you just fly planes (like GeoFS), then you're probably sick of having to build the plane you want, but you should be able to find that plane for download made by someone else. If it's a completely different kind of game, you confuse me. But if it's that overly realistic piece of crap FlyOut that you ditched SimplePlanes for, then scram, kid (if you play both though, that's fine).

Anyway, if you are leaving, please read the title first, we need to preserve this fantastic community of (mostly) plane lovers and builders.

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    75 NGC543

    @DatFiat126Guy19 yeah jundroo just updating SR

    10 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @L3FT2R1GHT buddy, sp is pretty much abandoned, i don't really think jundroo is caring all that much if an indie game studio made an sp inspired game, and plus, jundroo is working on much more important stuff than updating an ancient game, sure flyout has a slightly familiar building style, but the similarities end here imo, since flyout is far more complex, i don't see how it's similiar, sure the title screen might've been also inspired and all, but apart from that, i honestly see nothing similar about both games, feel free to voice your own opinions tho, just make sure that it's not overly dramatic though.

    10 months ago
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    @DatTrainAndCarGuy19 is the Jundroo team mentioned anywhere in the credits? If you play FlyOut and see that they are please provide a screenshot for evidence.

    10 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @L3FT2R1GHT also, what's with the flyout hate? look, im not saying that sp or flyout is better, i think both are great in their own ways, heck, i myself have been watching this flyout youtuber, he's genuinely good let me tell you that, and also really entertaining too, i think he might've been just as good as sp youtubers if you ask me, also, instead of saying that "SP IS BETTER! FLYOUT TRASH!" and making it seem like a big deal, instead, how about if you grow up for once instead of hating on an indie game inspired by another indie game, sure flyout isn't perfect, but so is sp too, but if you still wish to block me just because i apparently "hurt your fewwings" then sure, go ahead, i won't mind.

    10 months ago
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    318k WinsWings

    I have been here for 2 years, the most exciting game for me in my life. but things change in life... who knows when I got to leave or an effort to spend time

    10 months ago
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    @SilverStar I'm not like that, and will never be like that for as long as possible.

    10 months ago
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    16.3k SilverStar

    I also think that there is also a part which is a snowball effect. If many people are leaving, other will say that the game will be left behind, so they left too. And we can't stop that... Luckily not everyone is like that

    10 months ago
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    @Stealth117 I intend to stay here for as long as possible.

    10 months ago
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    I have also thought about leaving Simpleplanes, many times for personal reasons, but Simpleplanes is very difficult to leave, especially for a person who loves aviation and engineering like me, It is also very unique and I have a lot of appreciation for this community.

    10 months ago
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    38.3k Graingy

    They'll be back.
    You can't stay gone from SP for too long.

    +2 10 months ago
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    83.5k Monarchii

    I'll say this again, SP is a great game, but it is past it's time, people move on to better games, and that's fine, honestly though, out of all I've encountered, SP is the greatest community I've ever been a part in.

    +3 10 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    Dude, like i've said, people move on, if i completely lost motivation in sp, i might aswell play other games, and since i had a laptop, i might aswell put it to good use, a game called voices of the void really caught my attention recently, and since i had a laptop, i might aswell give it a spin, also, i myseelf used to be part of a similar sandbox game, i think it's draw bricks if im not wrong? again, this is waaaaay before i even had sp, i had fun though while it lasted, i still will never forget about that game though.

    +2 10 months ago
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    I know. half of the veterans have leave simpleplanes also XPA its probably because they get bored when the time runs out. and they leave

    +1 10 months ago