Maywar is my go to place. Its the only island that's fun to drive on and attack convoys. I do a lot of air to ground support, tank battles, and hill climbing. I think i'm done with the vanilla map and ready to add some map mods to my potato computer now. Can anyone recommend a map mod where i can drive around and fly too. A map with some roads would be nice.
Mothers' maiden names?
nuerburgring, but not much to fly there except for taking screenshots
Squirreltopia, a place where I experiment walkers
Maywar, the place to escape portability.
(I just kinda said the above thing for the reason that maywar was said in the fourm)
I think my favorite mod map that I have downloaded is pearl harbour
idk just because I have like... 3 map mods downloaded and it's just
Pearl harbour
Simple land
Some island I don't remember the name to
I think if you want a map to go around in, it's probably simple land, it may fry your laptop (it sorta lagged on my gaming laptop) but its a bit big and I've probably not gone through most of it