Maybe this is a bit embarrassing but... Please answer and help me about this problem.
-How to change the design display photo in uploads
-How to place photos or gifs in your bio or upload description
-How to change thickness, size, color and links for text
I'm a newcomer who doesn't even know anything about this, and I say firmly, honestly and seriously ask and ask for help.
@TRS051 Kalo buat ngubah foto desain pesawat? Gimana caranya jadi di luar building room atau di gameplay gitu.
@TRS051 kalo pake link drive bisa ga bre
@Cadvalto SIMPLE
@TRS051 jangan di pisah. Di gabung saja teks nya
Ini kodenya kalo tampilin gambar :
![opsional](link gambar dari gvatar)
@TRS051 Nope, The problem hasn't been solved yet because I'm still confused. Maybe you can give a more specific example
@TRS051 Do you see the picture here? A photo and not an icon.
Masalah sudah terpecahkan?
@Graingy cant
oh goddamnit the formatting took the underscores away
@Cadvalto ? try pasting this in. Ignore the photo it's the first thing I had a click away.
![] (
@Graingy I'm just confused about how to use this ![alt text] (Text) how to change the photo
is it always the same?
@Eggplant Oh
@Graingy yeah lots of websites use it. Also common for readme files note the .md extension
@Eggplant Wait, markdown is a formatting system?
@Graingy Okay thankyou Sir
@Eggplant Thankyou very much sir.
This website uses markdown for formatting, with some limitations. The guide is here
Insert a photo:
![alt text](image link)
If your first question is about the thumbnail for your upload, you need to take a screenshot that you want for the thumbnail and use the built-in blueprints feature of the game with that image, and adjust the X an Y offset so the build itself isnt blocking the image. When you take a snapshot on the upload aircraft window, switch to the view that has your thumbnail (top, left, etc.) and take your snapshot.
The pinned forum "useful links" has tons of good stuff.
Markdown formatting tutorial should answer these.
Images are like hyperlinks, just with an exclamation point beforehand.
![this can be left empty because it's an image](image link goes here)