9,590 TRS051

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joined 3.6 years ago

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This is my Waifu, her name is Seeha. If you ask where he comes from? Just click on the photo🗿👍
If you want to know more about him, just click this link : More Info

Some Meme photos

The beginning of the formation of this account

Maybe this sounds ridiculous

I started creating this account because I just wanted to help vote
(good vehicle in my opinion, I will Vote😁). But over time I got bored just looking, test drive, after the test drive, everything looks good, Vote. Like that. Lastly, I was moved to make a vehicle, even though in this game I was a new player who made a vehicle, then the results were also bad, of course I still 🗿. And finally I succeeded in making a monster truck vehicle called "TORSA V67.MONSTER TRUCK 6x6 V SUPER MAX + SPECIAL MERDEKA EDITION 17 AUGUST" Yes... Currently, I think trucks are really ugly. Even though it was a crappy truck, it was the first truck I built.

Yes. That's the story of how this account was formed. Thank you to those of you who read it to the end. Thank You.


Hello. Introduce me TRS051. Currently I'm still a student, and naturally I rarely upload. Because there is a lot of homework given by the teacher, and I also rarely play games. But I will try to actively upload several vehicles. I often make fictional vehicles and often, I make vehicles based on my own imagination 😂😂

My dream

my dream is this cellphone 😁



Previously known as TORSA