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thinking about a concept of a new series, or rather, a universe set in the spacefaring future

89.1k Monarchii  10 months ago

I've actually made one series long long time ago called "Shield Of Eden"(SOE) and now I had a thought of somewhat reviving it back.. but the name itself sounds kinda kek, so shuffling for name and letter and ended with a better sounding but hella long name of "Sanctuary Of Eternity" which.. idk, sounds better but still somewhat stale I feel, but for now, it's a good placeholder.

now to the topic, it's just an empty project meant to be a part of a list(like my PEA) which of which the story itself is assigned to each craft or so it goes, but essentially, yeah, a new idea project.

now to the brunt of the main theme today, the Spacecraft themselves.

anyone can join, anyone can make, such and so.

personally, I have one project called [SSC] or Simple Spacecrafts but that was made in sudden idea so it's very unpolished.

now, the thought I had.

put it simply, I have somewhat of a classification by combining many space-themed thing, and essentially, a ship could be classified into three category...

[ Fleet Ship ]

A Ship type made for the purpose of Fleet-to-Fleet Battle, ships of this type generally has their main battery(a.k.a main gun) only able to fire forward of the ship, the main advantage of this ship type is that it is somewhat relatively smaller than that of a System Ship while having a larger caliber or more powerful main battery since it is not confined to that of a turret/gunmount, the glaring weakness of this type of ship of course is the fact that it doesn't have any or minimal secondary battery(replaced or supplanted by armaments that doesn't protrude off the ship, such as vertical-launched missiles/torpedoes) to preserve either a small cross section and/or power so it could be directed to the main gun or shield.

in short, a very small cross sectioned ship(from forward) with a powerful gun and shield meant to fight in a fleet... imagine 18th century musket volley battle but spaceships; ships of this type typically is placed on the center part of the fleet to protect it from the flank.

Great examples for ships of this type are those of from Legend Of Galactic Heroes/Ginga Eiyu Densetsu


[ System Ship ]

A Ship type generally made for safeguarding and many multi-mission tasks of a Planetary System, ships of this type, unlike Fleet Ships, mainly has their gun on turret mounts so it is able to effectively fire it's gun almost on all direction depending on where the turret is placed on, the drawbacks of course, as we've discussed, is the fact that their main battery caliber is limited by the turret that it is mounted on, but for a System Ship, it is rarely a problem since at most it would probably fight some System Pirateers and that's probably the largest it is ever gonna get.

System Ships rarely have any place in a fleet battle, however, on the circumstances they do, they usually act as a quick-reaction force for flank protection, however, for this purpose, a multipurpose ship will usually be the more preferable option.

I can't think of an example for this one, however, just think of a real-world warship, now imagine them being in space, there.

[ Multipurpose Ship ]

A ship type which has both the armaments of a Fleet Ship and System Ship, Ships of this type has a large main battery facing forward while also having a turreted main battery, the advantage of this type of ships of course is having more armaments onboard able to be used and practically having also the protection capability of turreted weapons against enemy flanking maneuvers, the drawbacks however... is that typically, ships of this type would generally be decently larger than a Fleet or System Ship while having much less desired less power for the gun or shield if you want to keep the size relatively small.

Ships of this type is placed on the sides or flank of the fleet of which the duty it has is to protect the fleet from enemy flanking maneuvers, while also still having forward-facing armament to take part in the Fleet-to-Fleet Battle.

Great example of this type of ships are the Space Battleship Yamato


I wanna hear if you can add more, or maybe if you have anything to object of from what I write, maybe I've missed something, maybe there's something you're curious of, ask it away!

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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1


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    62.8k Maluch


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    Maybe some ships that can shoot down large attacks if they are hard to dodge, also spacecraft carrier

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    ⊥ ˙˙˙uɯɐp

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    Pinned 10 months ago
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    89.1k Monarchii

    @Speedhunter that is very well within the universe, to simplify it, it's basically divided to "Fleet-capable Ships"(Fleet Warships, Multipurpose Warships) and "Non-Fleet-capable Ships"(System Warships), since logistics, invasion, and associated things of such nature will always be the tail end of a military force, System Warships are deployed to basically take a conquered system, this of course includes Aircraft Carriers and Shuttle Carriers(essentially LPD/LPH) among all things

    one of the other old stuff I wrote is also how to categorize space fighters, mainly of course, three types;

    [ Atmospheric ]

    Deployed during basically the final stages of an invasion and facilitates Air Defense, Close Air Support, or Reconnaissance; Atmospheric Aircrafts are Aircrafts that facilitates superior flight performance under atmosphere of a planet.
    operations of Atmospheric fighter are the most complicated out of all three types due to its nature, needing a Space Carrier that is attuned and designed to facilitate standard landing operations to boot.

    [ Space ]

    Deployed during either early planet invasion or rarely, during Fleet Battles(albeit more as a screen of air defense, less so as a projectable power); Space Aircrafts are practically blocks of all-around thrusters designed to take advantage of the weightless nature of space and are capable of being deployed effectively from Space Barges with the most barebones of facilities.
    Space Aircrafts only problem lies in that it cannot operate within atmospheric conditions as it is not streamlined for such operations.

    [ Atmospheric-Space ]

    Combination of both world!! easy space landing, capable of operating with high speed in atmospheric conditions, and a lot more... well, past the cost and the fact that now you effectively got a larger and heavier aircraft.

    most of this I somewhat loosely base on the old game "AceOnline:DuelX"

    Pinned 10 months ago
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    36.0k Speedhunter


    Also might suggest smaller starfighters/personnel transport that can transfer people from ship to ship over close ranges maybe? Or it doesnt fit the universe at all?

    Observer space battleship might be in the works >~<

    Pinned 10 months ago
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    62.1k TheMouse


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    29.8k YarisSedan

    Daaaaaaamn, T

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    40.2k Graingy


    5 months ago
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    89.1k Monarchii

    @Graingy what??

    5 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @Monarchii What?

    5 months ago
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    89.1k Monarchii

    @Graingy what

    9 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @Ashdenpaw1 Child execution propaganda

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @AshdenpawTG22 Mentally anthropomorphic, not physically.

    10 months ago
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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1

    @Graingy idk but you talked about them as if they made intelligent decisions

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    Because they were.
    Did I ever say anthropomorphic?

    10 months ago
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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1

    @Graingy why foxes thooo and were they anthropomorphic??

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @AshdenpawTG22 Because I felt like tormenting someone today with the ethnical dilemma of necessary mass killings.

    10 months ago
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    2,021 Ashdenpaw1

    @Graingy …what does this have to do with me…?

    10 months ago
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    89.1k Monarchii

    @Graingy hm

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @Monarchii I am literally just summarizing a web novel.
    Specifically the second book over 180 chapters after that link, but I digress.

    10 months ago
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