I am sober.
I have always been sober.
I do not consume alcoholic beverages or foods with added alcohol ever, or at any point in the known past.
I do not consume hallucinogens of any sort, nor have I ever consumed any kind of illegal or legal narcotic to the greatest extent of my knowledge.
This is all the result of a sober mind.
@OrangeConnor2 Maybe
Rocks cannot ingest alcohol, after all.
You're just crazy.
@TheMouse Nope, my dad is a rock.
He is not my dad, he is your dad.
@TheMouse Don't you call your dad on me!
Yes, @Dad
@TheMouse *Plat
Capitalize it smh my head this is SimplePlanes these are proper nouns
We, as the Plat gang, would like to inform anyone who comes here that it is illegal to upvote any forum posts unless you are also black. Thank you for listening.
@TheMouse Eh, the wind carries me.
All Platinum upvotes. Heh.
That figures.
@Eggplant no
Never got a licence.
@Graingy you should drive. Then you can tell people, "I Drive," like in Drive (2011)
@Noname918181818181818181 hai!
@Eggplant Alcohol overdose at the wheel.
Hi sober
drunk driving never hurt anyone you need to watch out for the drunk crashers. Also consuming the fermented grape drink is good for your soul (says me)
@DatFiat126Guy19 I do not drink nor drive.
Crazy? I was crazy once.
They put me in a rubber room.
A round rubber room
And told me to sit in the corner.
Corner? There was no corner
So I sat in the middle of the floor
Surrounded by rats.
Rat? I can't stand rats.
They tickled my feet.
They made me laugh.
I laughed so hard I thought I would die
Die? I did die in there.
They buried me in a hole.
A hole six feet under the ground
And that's when the worms came.
Worms? I hate worms.
They burrowed into my skull And started to eat my brain.
They drove me crazy!
Crazy? I was crazy once.
They put me in a rubber room.
A round rubber room
And.. and... No I just had this in my clipboard, anyways if a vegetarian eats vegetables then what does a humanitarian eat?
I also found that in my clipboard
@TalonTheCRTguy paranoid?
You are just paranoid and schizophrenic!
You sound like you don't drink alcohol or do drugs!