For the upcoming "World problems the 2nd" Aircraft series.
The Third Rice!
The Third Rice is a nation located somewhere in the world, holding againts its "Bootleg communism" rule for its nation, a nation with a big land, and a big ambition!
Previously, this nation was fighting againts the allies at the World problem the 1st, and loses againts them, thus giving a shame-whole-round to the Rice, and tens of thousands of stupid rules made by the allies to ensure the rice stays down, including the treaty of Versillies
Nation then fell poor, its people are jobless, and in constant suffering because fathers couldnt feed their family, and people couldnt feel pride to its nation, its in total shambles
That, until a man, a man named A dough whipper,with his fancy musthace came to rule the nation after gaining trust with his hands, unlike your average politican, this guy promises and delivers! He promised to make people could work, and he fullfills it, He promises people could feel proud of its nation, and he fullfills it!
Now, the nation came back to power, much stronger than before, much better than before! The Musthace man then starts to give its nation new identity, new name! A new sight to see! He named it the Not-see Jeremy.
As the nation came back to power, it seeks vengeance, it wants revenge againts the nation whom opressed them before, thus wars by wars broke, and forcing the other nations to join the brawl in the:
World problems, the 2nd.
This has to be the stupidest shit i've done
@Speedhunter Second rice really was either Weemar Jeremy or the Holly rooman impiree
nah we got the third reic-
new war challenge upcoming?? hmm???
What happened to the second rice? T.T it was well cooked
@TheMouse ?
I was speaking of the other incident, but ok.
The Fordth Rice
So what were you saying?
A Dough Whipper 卐
Not-see Jeremy lol
this is like a wikipedia page that's been translated through three languages except it's also been put through text-to-speech and speech-to-text a few times in between
Volkswagen Ricer
Reported for riceism
Bootleg communism? im in!
W h a t l m a o