32.3k CUBErt

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joined 1.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

(note: this biography uses the dd/mm/yyyy system)
Player's biography has been removed. Or is it? vsauce music plays



-theIntruderReal, aka standardCookie, 2023
gravatar thmingy
Car in pfp (shameless plug ik)
My discord server

wow i thought you will not even bother reding my bio!!!!!!!q1!1!11qqqqqqqqq

Hello fellow travelers.

Starting off from scratch.....
I used to have an account with 34.6k points.... Now it's nothing. Just the memories....
user page 11

Status: Inactive, currently bored of this game.


hhenlo, my name's intruder, badger's fine too. I'm a 13 yo male from vietnam who makes shitty aircrafts (and maybe some videos too idk)
don't ever ask for a lower parts version of my build, i love the adrenaline when i see an aircraft's part count above 400.

i'm surprisingly connected to BYardley as he is a friend of a person named CaptainAlpha in another game that used to be my friend's old friend which according to my friend died in a plane crash but was caught online a few months later (he now hates my friend named epsilon for some reason idk)
Proud owner kf the kthxbye permit

Basic Informations
- currently livin up in Sai Gon (for the love of god please do not call it saigone)
-l ikes pizza and banh mi
- i have a dawg (it's a cute boi although it eats my pair of crocs for some reason)
- I only speak vietnamese and english so please no russian
- socially awkward (at least irl)
- number 9000 Radiohead glazer (there are 10000 of us made in a factory)
- Pro Minecraft builder (kinda)
- Car nerd
- I have adhd and maybe autism (ooh scary)
- i am very busy nowadays
-Ships guy (former)
- Proud mobile user (cringe)
- Number 1 System of a Down simp (we don't need to multiply to eat banana terracotta pies and splendid pizza pizza pies and we love eating seeds as a past time activity)


Discord: normalguyinvietnam

SP related servers I'm on:
The Very Goofy Simpleplanes Team (invite link here
FS Pilots (MrCOPTY's server)
SVT (Simpleplanes Vehicles Team)
Simpleplanes Mans
SPABC (Noble's server)

my spotify palylist

Reddit (Boeigtheman or intruder_710)
Twitter: theIntruderReal
Youtube: theNormalVietnamesedude
2nd channel: Carlito Gaming


  • Grumman Skyrocket
  • Dassault Mystère 4
  • Fiat Uno
  • Saab 900
  • B-1 Lancer
  • Grumman LLV Remastered

    Goal: Make everything in this game

Planes: Yes
Cars: Yes
Tanks ×
Helicopters ×
Ships ×
Buildings ×
Trains ×
Gliders: Yes
Other thingamajigs ×


Reached bronze on ?????
Reached Silver 2 months ago
Reached Gold 27/1/2024
Reached Platinum on 31/8/24


Juno account that i made for fun

L1nus | "Does your coffee like heavy metal music?"

Majakalona | "finally, i can teleport the treporte"

TriStar |"You get 250 trillion rupees but you can't use Inradius Formula of Triangle for 0 seconds, would you do it?"

VeroViper |"Messi better hide"

ZerkkOtakuGuy |"Internet points are usually not important at all"

Pan |"Are these, the world's most crispy fries?"

Hahahahaahahshs |:>

Ilovewillow |"@MakeItAQuote"

Talon7192 | "I woke up and my balls are on fire 🔥🔥🔥"

YarisSedan (126) | Stage 500 Ligma

🅱?ardley | Truck-kun is getting more creepy and creepy 💀

Kangy | ?n?ql?? ???u???u? ?o ??l???olp ?o? ??d?u? ?? ??s???l? ou ??? ?o?n???

Artutu | This play finna be fire

phrongus |

(peak pixels)

Fictional stuf lel

Fictional companies:
Darlton Industries
Irvan Rovich Aviation
Saunders-Eindrell Aviation
Ronald Kennedy Aviation (now defunct)
Randoff Industries (also defunct)
Gostram Aviation Enterprises
Treportè Heavy Industries



Name: United States of Greater San Andreas
Government type: Monarchy (as Dylan Yorkton, Veronica Carlinos and Vincent Bedford were sons and daughters of King Marco V)
GDP: 17T US dollars
GDP per capita: 50000$

32370 soldiers
10000 tanks
12568 planes (most of them were homemade planes)
9800 helicopters (most of them were ground attack helis)
Population of 300 million people
Capital: St. Alburns
Richest cities: Brandenfield, Northenberg and Halberg-Staten
Poorest city: Fousen-Housen (split apart during the Aeroamerican War), Bennedito and Darrensville

Last updated 25/3/24 11:45 vietnamese time
Las updated 25/5/24 17:45 vietnamese time
Last updated 31/8/24, 21:34 vietnamese time
Last upgated 18/11/24, 21:53 vietnamese time

Previously known as standardCookie, theIntruderReal, Boeig, intruder72