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Im 3.1 years old

25.7k DatFiat126Fan19  one month ago

title says it all
mods, please im begging you to not perma-ban my account for an obvious joke.

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    3,033 TheSPTuner

    3.1 yrs

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @Mods! Kill this guy!

    Pinned one month ago
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    23.8k intruder72
    Pinned one month ago
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    32.0k Pakkoyan

    Live Mod reaction:


    Pinned one month ago
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    42.4k TheMouse

    ”Underaged kid on sp? Ban hammer time!”

    Pinned one month ago
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    42.4k TheMouse

    What about microwaved cereal?

    3 hours ago
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    2,110 CaptainBrody

    I'm just eating cereal with the cereal first and then the milk. (I'm just quietly referencing a series of comments we had on a post for some reason. And it just so happens that the first comments were literally 1.8 years ago and only now I decided to bring them up.)

    +1 4 hours ago
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    42.4k TheMouse

    Yeah, but it would be fun, to have it anyway.

    2 days ago
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    1,650 Ashdenpaw1

    You were birthed upon the joining of simpleplanes

    +1 2 days ago
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    1,650 Ashdenpaw1

    @TheMouse I have more stuff on this one, so no

    +1 2 days ago
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    42.4k TheMouse

    Lol. Do you still have the old account? You could get back on it at some point, after 3 or so years.

    +1 2 days ago
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    1,650 Ashdenpaw1

    I was 12 and a half once and got banned for 9999 days (I made this account 1 minute later)

    +2 2 days ago
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    42.4k TheMouse

    Good morning!

    3 days ago
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    3,909 RolyBuilds

    @TheMouse Hi mr maus

    3 days ago
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    42.4k TheMouse


    +1 3 days ago
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    3,909 RolyBuilds

    I'm 3.3 Years 😱😱😱

    (I mean when i joined the website, mods please don't send me to the shadow realm)

    +1 3 days ago
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    Me as 2.4 Year old

    +1 14 days ago
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    @DatFiat126Fan19 Never summon MrSilverWolf, or better known as Lord SilverWolf, he has no humor and he will find something on you somehow, that will get your stuff removed or banned with his ban hammer forged from the depths of Lord SilverWolf's Servant's basement also known as Jundroo's basement where SilverWolf preys on an army of white user slaves that cry their tears of silver from the forceful removal and banishment of their home lands of troll village into a oven fueled by heating up comment sections, poured in a mold of rules into a mighty weapon, a weapon of legends for he is the unforeseen boss level that appears when you punch the medieval shop keepers face and a health bar appears. For he is banishment and he is judgement. This is my warning to you fellow traveler. Before summoning him and inviting him into your account, remember this... He is Lord SilverWolf, a man who's name was earned over eons from the torture of white users and usage of their tears to form the perfect blunt hammer to send back any who questions his authority.

    +5 16 days ago
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    @MrSilverWolf oh xd

    22 days ago
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    @DatFiat126Fan19 it’s gone after I approved it

    22 days ago
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    @MrSilverWolf can you... link the post that i apparently decided to report on? i completely forgot as to whatever it was that i decided to report

    22 days ago
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    @DatFiat126Fan19 last report was for a build from 8.9 years ago, “comments getting political ☠️” and the one before that was “blud thinks he can-“ forgot the rest, not anything major it’s just slightly irritating as I just want a basic “drama in comments” “user X is harassing user Y” instead of “blud thinks he can harass people” or “I sense drama ☠️”

    22 days ago
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    @MrSilverWolf wait, im sorry, what? no seriously, what? i didn't remember reporting stuff from 9 years ago, let alone adding emojis to the report box or whatever it's called, but i'd digress

    22 days ago
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    Please stop putting emojis and “bruh” or “blud thinks-“ in the reports, just report stuff normally please also reporting stuff from 9 years ago, w h y

    +2 22 days ago
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    42.4k TheMouse


    23 days ago
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