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Results of downloading some of your planes

50.3k Majakalona  4 months ago

so first there's this sukoi by TheUltimatePlaneLover that is going to explode
suck hoi
Arnold (that's just the teaser name) made by TheMouse
womp womp, rat made a plane that cant pitch (yes that's the actual caption I put for it on steam)
And this one who I don't remember who made it lemme check

I did download some other peoples' planes, but I didn't take any screenshots and if I did I didn't upload them. I will probably take some screenshots soon

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    @Majakalona I suspect sabotage but fine for now I suppose...

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover and the snowstone missiles (in my case)

    4 months ago
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    @TheMouse True
    The Su-27 can dodge everything except the titans of the PEAverse lol

    +1 4 months ago
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    20.6k LoganAir123

    Can you screenshot my new SU-25

    +1 4 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    Why the MIDGET is Kissing the ground XD

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    @intruder72 I once downloaded Yamato and it only made the game freeze
    Not the computer, but the application window (it wasn't in windowed mode, it was just inside the normal full screen)

    4 months ago
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    27.2k intruder72

    now download something that can blow up your nitro 5

    +1 4 months ago
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    27.3k 126


    +2 4 months ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    But why do you think that my plane cannot pitch? I hesitate to say this but… ski… skill…. Skill issue.

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    @TheMouse it is

    4 months ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    Is that last one byarely I think?

    +1 4 months ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    That last picture lol.

    +1 4 months ago