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Grumman LLV challenge winners

27.9k intruder72  4 months ago

Yes i know, I'm late. I am very sorry (if you guys even care to my dumb shit)
First place:

Inuyaha's USPS van

Second place:

BYardley's Post Canada van

Third place:

CaptainFranchfries' TOMCAT VAN!!??


Kerbango's KDS van

Applejuice2's Wright Mail van

List of all contestants that were not mentioned on the list above:

Sorry if you think your entry was unfairly rated, I've never got this much contestants in a challenge before

I will do another challenge for June, do you guys have any ideas for the theme?

Oh and, rewards will be given later soon (Zerkk, it's time for work)

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    27.9k intruder72


    Pinned 4 months ago
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    27.9k intruder72


    Pinned 4 months ago
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    I saw "Grumman LLV" and thought it meant "Lunar Landing Vehicle"...
    (Grumman aircraft corporation designed the Lunar Landing Vehicle)

    4 months ago
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    15.4k BYardley

    It was indeed a fun challenge, :)

    4 months ago
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    71.7k Zerkk


    4 months ago
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    12.1k ChaseRacliot

    That was fun

    4 months ago
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    5,284 Rb2h

    Wright Mail is good

    4 months ago