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34 Weaponcollection  27 days ago


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    4,039 JayStream

    🍉melon !!

    +1 26 days ago
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    watame lon

    26 days ago
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    12.2k Eggplant


    27 days ago
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    69.7k FlatterGuy


    +3 27 days ago
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    @TheMouse I repeat it often, but it's not uncommon for the word not to be what I want it to be.

    +1 27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    Yeah, eventually, once your a little bit more used to english, it will make more sense. Until then though, I recommend putting the words backward through google translate, so you can see what they would translate back to in your language. If it is something wildly different than what you wanted, they use some other words.

    +1 27 days ago
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    @TheMouse Sometimes there is a choice of words, I am confused about which one to use

    +1 27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    Yeah, its hard to use. That makes more sense though.

    27 days ago
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    @TheMouse oh I'm currently using deepl translate, maybe because of the standard language

    +2 27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    Nothing. It just makes some things you say hard to understand. Google translate is useful, but not perfect.

    27 days ago
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    @TheMouse What's wrong with that?

    27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    No. Do you use google translate?

    27 days ago
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    @TheMouse This is to avoid violations. understand.

    27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    I like watermelon, but you are making no sense.

    27 days ago
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    @Themouse @Themouse I shouldn't have apologized.

    +1 27 days ago
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    @TheMouse I'm sorry that I'm on the watermelon side, maybe you're not on the watermelon side


    +1 27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    Yeah, I followed you. I follow tons of people. (Check out my follow list)
    Idk what that has to do with watermelons though ;)

    27 days ago
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    @TheMouse I'm also confused, aren't you following me?

    +1 27 days ago
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    44.0k SamTheUncle

    Do I know you? I am confused.

    27 days ago
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    @Themouse Sorry bro.

    +1 27 days ago