Thank you all so much for your help in getting (almost) 2k points. Very soon I should be able to release my 2k points announcement with a surprise plane posted directly afterward. Again thanks you all. Cya in the Jet stream!
If you would like to be tagged in an unlisted pre look at the 2k points screenshot, comment "tag" or (T), and I will put you in.
Nice man :D
Yea, ik, but thats hard unless your on a computer. I am on ipad most of the time.
@TheMouse Ok thanks, I'll try that out here. Honestly I'm prob gonna screw it up but eh, what's the harm!
[you can use backticks too](instead of spaces)
You mean a clickable link?
[clickable text] (link)
Without the space in between. To make this link bring you to a comment, first click the down arrow in the right top corner of the comment. Click permalink, and then copy your url.
For me that would be this:
[lol] (
Without the space in between.
@TheMouse le bruh
The pain is real. (Even more so for me, as I have the knowledge that I created that monster.)
@TheMouse so how do you do a link in chat with a custom name?
I even know that song so that hurt me in more ways than 12
Yep. Lol
@TheMouse what...the hell....24 taps....just for my brain to gain stage 4 cancer
A while. Trust me, you dont wanna get to the end.
@TheMouse oh God, how far does it go?
A long time ;)
I keep adding more and more to it.
@TheMouse what is that lol link that never frickin ends?! How many times will it send me to another link post?!
It is a joke, its quite fun ;)
@TheMouse oh ok. That makes sense. So you are probably on soon after anyone posts and that's why it's a big deal for people. Or maybe it's a joke, idk, it's funny either way
No. But I chose the times I do get on very strategically, so as to make the impression that I am on more often.
@Karroc9522 ok lol I was already gonna tag you man ;)
@TheMouse meant to ask, are you basically always on or something? People love saying they are there before you lol
Glad you figured this out.
Tag list 2: