16.0k Karroc9522
Player Biography
Hello everyone,
I am just another builder like the rest of you trying to learn the tricks of building great planes. All support and recommendations will be appreciated and if you comment I will respond. I'm very active and participate in probably more challenges than I should, so if you're hosting one, tag me in it. Thanks for everyone taking the time to visit any of my planes and or upvoting them. I enjoy meeting new players here and will accept help if you want to. I am also a VR friendly builder so everyone can enjoy my planes from the comfort of a screen in a cockpit, or wearing a VR headset. My cockpits are designed to be fun for everyone. Anyone may use one of my builds for themselves, I don't care. I'm just here to make things that people will enjoy so anything you like, you are free to use.
Point Count Roster
Made 1k points on 5/23/2024 (yaaaaay!!!)
Made 2k points on 6/12/2024 (well that was fast)
Made 3k points on 6/18/2024 (unbelievably fast)
Made 4k points on 6/27/2024 (I'm honestly amazed)
Made 5k points on 7/03/2024 (Right before the 4th of July by 18 minutes! 🎇 🎆)
Click here for the 5k points build! 🎇 🎆
Made 6k points on 7/15/2024
Made 7k points on 7/25/2024
Made 8k points on 8/16/2024
Made 9k points on 8/25/2024
Made 10k points on 8/27/2024
Click for the 10k points build!
Made 11k points on 8/31/2024
Made 12k points on 9/28/2024
Made 13k points on 10/22/2024
Made 14k points on 12/06/2024
Made 15k points on 12/21/2024
Made 16k points on 3/7/2025
When will I stop counting by the thousands? Who knows?!
My planes that I've builds for you all that i actually care to put here. Yes i do have failure build from my start. Nobody's perfect. (NOTE: some links are for the remake versions that were made VR capable after i built the original. There are links to the original inside of those posts as a predecessor build. Please check them both out!):
(Attempted) Replicas:
A-10 Warthog (Thunderbolt II) Original version (NOT VR capable)
A-10 Warthog (Thunderbolt II) Remake version 4th of July Special 🎇 🎆
Messerschmitt Me-262 Schwalbe
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
Custom modern aircraft:
Non VR friendly
F-58A Thunderhawk
F-58B Thunderhawk
F-59 SkyRaider
F-32 Recluse (The F/A-76 Psyche is basically the same model. It is the VR substitute for the time)
VR friendly:
F-90 Firework
F/A-12 Pouncer
A-56 ShadowCast
X-12 SwitchBlade
MDA X-12 SwitchBlade
F-63 Scorcher
F-119 Windshifter
F-119 Windshifter (Naval/Attack Variant)
F-3C Storm Falcon
Prop planes
P-19 Stallion
ME-341 Teufel
P-22 Cardinal
Future combat aircraft (LORE INVOLVED)
SCA F-43 SkyRay
SCA F-19 Spherohawk
SCA F-227 StarPiercer
SCA F/A-76 Psyche
SCA T-4 Dolphin (great way to get familiarization with my type of builds)
MQ-17 Screecher (don't question it ok?)
ISSCF A-625 HeartPiercer
ISSCF I-56 NightHawk
ISSCF B-63 SkyBreak
ISSCF F-9 Insidiator
(All new VR Versions created on 6/18/2024)
(Possible second lore universe) Future War builds
F-116 Blizzard
If you would like to see more in this possible series click here and comment that you want to see more of this.
My most disappointing build that I don't know why they got as many upvotes as they did:
Don't click this one (Warning, very.....skibidi content....viewer discretion advised)
Ok seriously, don't click this one (Warning, very sus activity)
I know I said don't click the last 2 but SERIOUSLY DON'T CLICK THIS ONE!!!
Alright you can click this one. It's fine.
Challenge Entries NEW
My Final Words
Please go check them out and show them to friends to see and/or leave a review comment.. I look forward to adding more planes to my lists in the near future but it will be up to all of you to make it happen. If you have a request, feel free to make it. I will give it a shot just make sure to give me understandable instructions. Thanks again!
Anything you like from my builds are free to use, you don't need to ask just take it. Please tag me in your build though, you don't have to yet I would like to see what part you used. I try to post one plane a day if I can (weekends are not guaranteed but a maybe) but if I can't I'm either busy or working on something a bit bigger. Feel free to ask me any question on any post. I like hearing what people wanna say or ask about my builds because it shows a bit of interest. If you want me to tag you in builds whenever I post a new one so you can be first ones there, just ask for me to tag you from now now or just chat T. If you choose to follow me, thanks but I'm not asking for you to follow me, I just want people to see and like my planes. Not much to ask I don't think but hey, it's your life so do what you want. I'm just another person, nobody special, so please do as you please and have a great day, week, and life. ByeBye!
I also want to give credit to @Robomo119E (Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer is the present user name) and @TheUltimatePlaneLover for being my first major supporters. Without them I wouldn't be where I am now. Thanks guys! You helped me a lot. I will continue to try and get better and better.
New credit to TheMouse for making me awesome VR cockpits and helping me with my own ones, and also to ChaseRacliot for making me my first profile picture and helping me set it up, and to Windshifter1 for doing the beautiful screenshots in my builds!
My final word to all these people who helped me (aka click me)
No I'm not putting memes. Sorry to disappoint. Bye
Check out my highlighted aircraft section 👇. Updates whenever I'm not lazy
Last updated 11/2/2024