1,906 Karroc9522

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joined 2 months ago

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Hello everyone,
I am just another builder like the rest of you trying to learn the tricks of building great planes. All support and recommendations will be appreciated and if you comment I will respond. Thanks for everyone taking the time to visit any of my planes and or upvoting them.

Made 1k points on 5/23/2024

My proudest accomplishments so far:

F-58A Thunderhawk
A-10 Warthog
SCA F-43 SkyRay
F-58B Thunderhawk
SCA F-19 Spherohawk
F-59 SkyRaider
SCA F-227 StarPiercer
Please go check them out and show them to friends to see and/or leave a review comment.. I look forward to adding more planes to my proudest accomplishments list in the near future but it will be up to all of you to make it happen. Thanks again!

Anything you like from my builds are free to use, you don't need to ask just take it. Please tag me in your build though, you don't have to yet I would like to see what part you used. I try to post one plane a day if I can (weekends are not guaranteed but a maybe) but if I can't I'm either busy or working on something a bit bigger. Feel free to ask me any question on any post. I like hearing what people wanna say or ask about my builds because it shows a bit of interest. If you want me to tag you in builds whenever I post a new one so you can be first ones there, just ask for me to tag you from now now or just chat T. If you choose to follow me, thanks but I'm hot asking for you to follow me, I just want people to see and like my planes. Not much to ask I don't think but hey, it's your life so do what you want. I'm just another person, nobody special, so please do as you please and have a great day, week, and life. ByeBye!

I also want to give credit to @Robomo119E and @TheUltimatePlaneLover for being my first major supporters. Without them I wouldn't be where I am now. Thanks guys! You helped me a lot. I will continue to try and get better and better.