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5,555 Karroc9522  3 days ago
Auto Credit Based on SamTheUncle's ‘Merica Challenge

God bless America, and HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO EVERYONE!!! Thanks to TheMouse, you all got an A-10 remake. YAAAY. anyways, hope you like it. Enjoy!



General Characteristics

  • Predecessor ‘Merica Challenge
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 28.9ft (8.8m)
  • Length 26.7ft (8.1m)
  • Height 9.3ft (2.8m)
  • Empty Weight 5,327lbs (2,416kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,088lbs (3,215kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.755
  • Wing Loading 38.4lbs/ft2 (187.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 184.6ft2 (17.1m2)
  • Drag Points 4747


  • Number of Parts 94
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 663
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    Pinned 3 days ago
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    7,127 ChaseRacliot

    🇺🇸🦅America oyeah!!🦅🇺🇸

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    10.8k dekanii

    oh look, im late 20 minutes

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    Oh look, seconds ago
    (Actually 2 minutes ago)

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    1,787 F16xl

    @Karroc9522 It’s fine, just followed them Edit: Oh I remember their page!

    2 days ago
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    1,787 F16xl

    @Karroc9522 It’s fine

    2 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    @F16xl link to his page 👇

    Sorry about double tag you guys, wifi lagged

    +1 2 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    @F16xl here is your link to his page
    F16xl wanted to visit your page so here ya go! Probably another follower for ya

    +1 2 days ago
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    1,072 Dest20345

    Why is the A-10 discolored few minutes later brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on me

    3 days ago
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    3 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    @ShinyGemsBro wdym

    3 days ago
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    35.4k ShinyGemsBro

    No, A-1/2

    3 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    Tag list 3:

    3 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    Tag list 2:

    3 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    Tag list 1:

    3 days ago