This is a test so I can learn to do that fancy stuff people do on their descriptions for their creations. Here we go:
Here is the FT expression that controls the engine throttle on my favorite airplane that I built
Activate1 ? smooth(Throttle, (!Throttle ? 1 : TAS / 10000)) : (Activate2 ? GS * 1.944 / 660 + rate(GS) / 100 : (Grounded ? (!Throttle & GS * 1.944 < 40 & Activate8 ? -Pitch * 0.05 : ((Throttle < 0.5 ? (Throttle * 0.1) + (Brake * 0.25) : (!Activate8 ? Throttle + Brake : (Throttle * 0.125) + (Brake * 0.25))))) : (GearDown & Activate8 ? (Throttle + Brake) * 0.125 : Throttle + Brake)))
ahem I apologize for the things where it says amp;
or something that’s just how it formats
heading 1
heading 2
heading 3
heading 4
heading 5
heading 6
Activate1 ? smooth(Throttle, (!Throttle ? 1 : TAS / 10000)) : (Activate2 ? GS * 1.944 / 660 + rate(GS) / 100 : (Grounded ? (!Throttle & GS * 1.944 < 40 & Activate8 ? -Pitch * 0.05 : ((Throttle < 0.5 ? (Throttle * 0.1) + (Brake * 0.25) : (!Activate8 ? Throttle + Brake : (Throttle * 0.125) + (Brake * 0.25))))) : (GearDown & Activate8 ? (Throttle + Brake) * 0.125 : Throttle + Brake)))
That was a code block, and I forgot what this is called lol
It is a blockquoteThis blockquote is nested inside that other one
- & means the & symbol
- < means the < symbol referred to as a less than sign
- That’s all I know
That was a horizontal rule thingy
My favorite airplane that I built
I think this is one of the ugliest forum posts on this forum.
@TheMouse was here first as usual lol
It works!
@TheMouse I just read about that lol 😅
Read comment below.
Actually, it would work fine, except for the fact that they have under 25 points. You must have over 25 points to put a clickable link. Andrew did this recently, to avoid some bots.
@seletera20 that is not how to put a link. The bracket section is immediately followed by the parentheses section. Like so:
don’t actually follow that url I made it up lol it is completely fake
See? Works fine
you can actually follow that link it leads to SP homepage
All works for me except [link test](